[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2012-10-29

GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2012-10-29


- Alessio Fabiani
- Andrea Aime
- Ben Caradoc-Davies
- Justin Deoliveira
- Jody Garnett

* OpenJDK 7 build server (yay!)
* WMS Client Conformance Testing
* GeoTools 9.0-M0 release
* Timed release (GSIP 77) policy refinements, move to sphinx?
* GeoPackage / sqlite / jdeolive hint hint
* FeatureCollection thing is at 377 errors (so likely to finish up)
* Dropping xerces (and friends)
* User list report

OpenJDK 7 build server

* geoserver-extra-builds
* geotools-extra-builds
AA: ml page, add the two above
JG: list build servers here http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/Home (done!)
- windows build server: office.geo-solutions.it/jenkins/
- OpenJDK 7: http://aaime.no-ip.org/jenkins/
- Sonar: http://aaime.no-ip.org/sonar/

WMS Client Conformance Testing

OWS9, WMS 1.3.0 CITE tests for clients.
Client talking to proxy which checks, interactive.
Geotools WMS client and uDig reference
Jody will provide some info about the results (issues, reports, something)

GeoTools 9.0-M0 release

Once GetFeatureInfo fixed, run scripts to do the release (using the scripts for master, mind!)

Timed release (GSIP 77) policy refinements, move to sphinx

* Stable: "new minor core functionality" -> "new minor non-core functionality"?
* For maintenance, should the timed release policy be in sphinx?
* Backports of core changes in first two weeks to evaluate and detect regressions.

AA: put the document in sphinx (Andrea Aime)

GeoPackage / sqlite / jdeolive hint hint

No requirements on spatialite at the moment at the moment,
sql-lite natively index geometries?
Store tile pyramids and vector data in a package

Known issues win win64 build of drivers

FeatureCollection thing is at 354 errors (so likely to finish up)

Likely to finish this week:
- https://github.com/geotools/geotools/tree/featurecollection_cleanup
- https://github.com/geotools/geotools/blob/featurecollection_cleanup/modules/library/api/src/main/java/org/geotools/feature/FeatureCollection.java

Is anyone ready?
a) Use ListFeatureCollection if add is required
b) Use FeatureIterator is iterator.close() is required

Seems like lots of manual work without much of a fuss.
Make a GeoServer branch so that things get fixed

Dropping xerces (and friends)

Justin: cleaning up the explicit deps on Xerces using the one in the JDK
Last issue: app-schema resolver. Ben?
app-schema-resolver: move validation support to test and port to new non-xerces api - BCD/RA (and Justin to send draft patch to Ben)

Other? JDOM, streaming parsers, Xalan

WPS/CSW uses xalan-serializer out of laziness

4th dimension / Measures Coordinates JDBC PostGIS / Oracle

- Andrea did support for 2.5 D (more general)
- Justin patched for measures

- Martin did work to support 2.5 D
- SDO needs patching for measures, but missing SDOTest and Implementation
- Niels / Ben has instructions for how to set up 3D test fixture for app-schema

From the user list


user list topics: no evidence on something being generally wrong
mostly one question per issue but a few with more entries:

* various SLD questions
* app-schema stuff
* REST configuration problems
* OpenLayers troubles, mostly off-topic

Next meeting: Monday 12 November 2012, 13:00 UTC

Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre