GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2013-04-15
* Andrea Aime
* Ben Caradoc-Davies
* Alessio Fabiani
* Jody Garnett
* Jukka Rahkonen
* Release incoming
* XSLT graduated, now it's INSPIRE time
* New GeoTools contributor agreement: ensure everyone has signed
* GeoTools CQ for LocationTech IPZilla
* App-schema mapping/sql generator
- AA: Send email about WFS GetCapabilities metadata link
- AA: Release GS 2.3.1 on weekend
- JG: Release GT 9.1 on weekend
- AA: proposal to graduate INSPIRE module to extension (real soon now)
Release Incoming
* Apr 18th GT 9.1/GS 2.3.1
* Still missing a volunteer for it! But lots of changes piled up
* Delay until weekend Jody GT, Andrea GS
* Ben for May (pending schedule check), Jody for June
XSLT graduated, now it's INSPIRE time
Jody? What happened? Transform goes deeper ... and when reversable can handle filters.
Q: So what is this XSLT thing?
A: XSLT output format generator (like ogr to ogr)
Q: Is it pulled back into stable?
A: Yep .. so it is in the 2.3.1 release
Q: INSPIRE Module?
A: INSPIRE specific metadata into WMS and WFS Capablities Document
Post release:
- metadata links add to WFS GetCapabilities document as well ... back port to trunk after 2.3.1
GeoTools contributor agreement: ensure everyone has signed
Jody: Yeah we should (just so everyone plays by the same terms)
Ben: is having a look at this internally, increased clarity causing assorted fun debate (but a quick response and resolution).
POSITIVE: You can print, scan, and email!
GeoTools CQ for LocationTech IPZilla
Just a heads up, Jody and Frank submit this to the Eclipse IP Team.
So hold on to your hats ... will want to be position to apply any fixes promptly.
Q: Submit for 9.0-M1 -- do you need to submit again for 9.1?
A: Yes.
Q: How to handle any issues found?
A: Discuss on email list, options are apply fix to trunk or stable
Q: What is CQ?
A: Contribution Questionnaire - see:
App-schema mapping/sql generator
Would be a nice idea.
Ben to follow up related internal project.
User List Update
Frequently asked questions on the user list:
Requests for new vector data sources
- CSV, XLS, Spatialite, Mongo DB, OGR generally
Questions about REST operations
Configuring security things
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre