[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2013-05-27

GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2013-05-27


Andrea Aime
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jody Garnett
Justin Deoliveira
Jukka Rahkonen


* Passing thread locals in thread pools
* Arc support in GeoTools
* GeoTools change proposal for community patches
* File.deleteOnExit ... is it a resource leak?
* Question for the future: Where do users and developers meet after the death of mailing lists?
* SOS License and Happy Fun Ball License
* Info: For the first time, Mapnik 2.2.0 can be installed on Windows by a mortal creature.


Pretty good conference, 400 people.
Lots of buzz around MapBox and OSM editor (iD).
Lots of GeoServer content, could not catch all of them, too many :-p (yay!)
Justin: talk about "State of GeoServer", well received, people excited about new features, (EO stuff), "Scripting in GeoServer", fairly well received people excited.
ESRI geometry API, Java port from C/C++, API not very java-ish, n dimensional (double). Does provide topological operations... has a God class (GeometryEngine) that does most of the work. Focus on distributed processing with Hadoop. Open source, but not open development, no procedures or community around it (one can make pull requests). Performance comparison, quick tests by Justin, seems slower than JTS. Jody recommends GeoLatte (JTS fork) as a drop-in replacement for JTS :slight_smile:

Not much chatter on Twitter et al.

Passing thread locals in thread pools

Fixing WPS working against secured data. New interface, but no change to existing API. Backport?
Will do quick proposal.

Arc support in GeoTools

WKT parser has alredy been copied from JTS.
End to end, GML encoder knowing about the geometry, others just playing against

GeoTools change proposal for community patches

Still pending.
ACTION: Ben to propose Quick Patch / Contribution guide for developers guide procedures.

Summary: if you make a new file, sign a contribution agreement.

File.deleteOnExit ... is it a resource leak?

Should not be called from library code, it piles up.
Action: Andrea to follow up on mailing list (SchemaCache thread)

Question for the future: Where do users and developers meet after the death of mailing lists?

Jira and GitHub discussion takes some of the wind of the devel list.

A: Use StackExchange (answer a question once!)
A: Developers do not have budget to answer user questions? So signal to noise is
A: FOSS4G for beer!
A: Twitter #geotools and GeoServer

GeoServer: email traffic is down 10%, but membership is up

Advantage of mailing list (archives) is it allows for search and addresses time delay (as we are split across timezones).

Search example: http://udig.refractions.net/users/

SOS License and Happy Fun Ball License

Question out of uDig LocationTech Process - SOSNOKILL License?


Result: Submit it as is and see what happens.

Info: For the first time, Mapnik 2.2.0 can be installed on Windows by a mortal creature

Report from Jukka.

Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre