[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2013-06-24

GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2013-06-24


Jody Garnett
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Andrea Aime
Jukka Rahkonen

- Jody made release :smiley:
- Ben updated GeoTools developers guide


1. June Release
2. WPS Shootout
3. Rasters proposals coming in for good this week
4. Headers

June Release

Thanks Justin for building mac DMG.

Doc publication stuck on OpenGeo Staff (not released since 2.3.0!)

Held up on:
- headers (IBM crew out of China was doing a formal review)
- windows 7 + jdk 7 build failures reported on twitter

Tested build:
- Win XP both JDK6 and JDK7

Options for docs?
- Static github page hosting (see example http://udig.github.io )
- We publish using these steps http://www.refractions.net:8080/confluence/display/ADMIN/Documentation+Generation+and+Deploy

WPS Shootout

Simone and Jody have been invited to take part.
Simone volounteered Andrea to participate.

Update: A spot confirmed by the FOSS4G organisers (in part because no WMS-Shootout volunteers can be found - all hiding).

Stay tuned ...

Rasters proposals coming in for good this week

- This week make pull requests for GSIP Mult-coverage GridReader
- Two weeks later for the next one

Discussion harvest?
- Jody had a concern about harvest (file abstraction vs reader abstraction). Response is to change API to accept an Object, first implementation will be File

This is a one-two punch, introduce new API so that the NetCDF implemenation does not have to carry around a "old api" baggage.

May live in unsupported for a while to gather real-world feedback.


- got contacted off list from IBM China who were conducting a review
- they found 4 files that were not LGPL
- jody mostly handled it :smiley:
- check your code template settings
- check when bringing code over from geoserver

In general the headers were pretty good, had enough information for us to contact the responsible parties and sort it out.

(Why does moovida keep making more work for me!)

Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre