GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2013-12-10
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Alessio Fabiani
Andrea Aime
Jody Garnett
Justin Deoliveira
Jukka Rahkonen
Observer: Tuure Laurinolli
1) Friday Sprint
2) Release/Development Schedule (Hardening, etc...)
3) Dec 18 release
4) GeoServer Synchronisation Module Request
5) Importer module, moving on
6) Default dimension value
7) Discussion
Action item
* AA: fetch a list of "easy" to fix bugs
* Ask for a better description of the sync module
1) Friday Sprint
- Andrea, Simone
- Ben with some overlap (WFS 2.0 filter example)
- Jody - rendering/styling bugs
- Jukka - docs and debugging fiddler/poster
Meeting on IRC, skype if voice conversation needed/useful
Ben to invite Rini
2) Release/Development Schedule (Hardening, etc...)
3) Dec 18 release
Q: Feature freeze when?
A: Jan 18th beta
4) GeoServer Synchronisation Module Request
We are all a bit a confused about what the community module does, and how does the client interact with it.
Q: Protocol used by clients?
Q: Similar to GeoGit? Perhaps they are looking at "near realtime".
Email sent to set expectations, wait for response back? Need to encourage email discussion as we don't have a mentor to help get them started.
Importer module, moving on
Q: Can we make it an extension?
Was waiting for testing, looks it has seen some action now.
Q: Can others start working on it?
Yes, Justin did not mean to give the impression the that others were locked out
Work ideas:
- exception in GeoTIFF import test
Q: Docs?
- still a task to port some docs to user guide
- import sidecar SLD file
Default dimension value
- time: latest
- elevation: lowest
- custom: first value
Q: Why not default to "all"?
A: That is is not what dimensions are about
Q: Does GetCapabilities advertise this default?
A: It should ... not sure yet
Q: Do we need a RFC for this one?
A: Can probably get away with as master is still open for RnD
---------- Image Enhancement ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Q: Is this a regression?
A: GeoSolutions only ever used single banded images
Q: Whitespace with CSS and SLD?
A: Use CDATA or whitespace will be ignored
Q: Fork CSS module?
A: We would like David back as maintainer, but if he is no longer maintaining then perhaps we should fork code into Geotools organization and release from there.
Q: Where? GeoServer organisation, or GeoTools?
A: GeoTools is a better fit license wise and level of detail
Q: Where is David! We miss him...
Q: Can we move this page to Data (rather then a top level demo page)
Q: Next meeting: January 7th 2014
Happy new year everybody
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre