[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-03-18

GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-03-18


Ben Caradoc-Davies
Andrea Aime
Jukka Rahkonen
Jody Garnett


- Previous Meeting
- DMG status
- WFS module: WFS 2.0 support for cascading
- Release Day! 2.5.0 and 11.0
- New PPIOs for WPS
- Users mailing list review

- JG: Get an update on mac build server, or build 2.5.0 DMG by hand
- BCD: Ben will ask Justin to clarify WFS status on email
- JG: Remove https repo from build (publish required artifacts onto geotools repo)
- JG: Create ticket for raster dumps in log output

From Previous meeting


- (done) JG: foss4g code sprint blog post
- JG: Manually generated 2.5-RC2 DMG
- (done) AA: ogr module docs, will add some docs next weekend if nobody beats me to it (add specifics for Windows, somebody help for OSX?)
- (done, emails from Marcus Sen) BC: Ask for the mapping files for "cookbook" are published somewhere

DMG status

- DMGs?
- Server died
- Not working yet
- Jody going to build DMG by hand
- Move straight on to 2.5.0

WFS module: WFS 2.0 support for cascading

See discussion on email, seems to be gap between email inquires (requirement to use predefined query) and the needs for flexible query to support SLD.

Q: Which WFS module is suitable? wfs or wfs-ng
A: Wait for review by Niels

Ben wanted to answer a couple questions:
* Is there any interest/budget/commitment in complex WFS delivered content? (Unmerged work by Adam Brown on wfs-ng branch)
* Any chance for co-ordination between concerns of WFS-T and WFS 2.0?

Action: Ben will ask Justin to clarify WFS status on email

Note: Sampo use-case is limited to WFS 2.0 Predefined query that is limited to dimensions (ie time or elevation).

Jukka knows Sampo and can liaise.

- today: vector handling of filter against attributes
- map from WMS GetMap dimension to predefined query parameters so we can issue a WFS 2.0 GetFeature request.
- map from WFS 2.0 predefined query description to indicate which param is a dimension (and some how advertise the valid range) so we can produce correct WMS GetCapabilities.

Implementation suggestions:
- Suggestion: cache the resulting GML and then allow the filters to be performed client side without re-requesting
- Suggestion make a new DataStore that takes a "mapping" to go between predefined query parameters and the WMS GetMap stuff, and just use the GeoTools GML parsing
- Jukka: notes predefined query is closer in spirit to WPS than to the generic WFS stuff.

Release Day! 2.5.0 and 11.0

IanT is the man with a plan .. but since he is not here we will muddle along.

Testing results:
- Jody: GeoTools 11.0 README.html was incorrect, but was able to build locally.
- Anyone test 2.5.0? Okay nobody here wait for feedback on mailing list.
- DMG missing?
- Any draft blog posts to review? Not for GeoServer. None for GeoTools either.
- Importer? Will wait for direction from IanS when he is back from holiday. Immediate opportunity for collaboration was lost on this one due to delay.

Thanks to IanT for volunteering.

New PPIOs for WPS

PPIO - Process Parameter Input / Output

1) KML - 5 lines of code :slight_smile:
2) GPX - exchange format for GPS tracks

Q: Any ideas for getting a common formats for WPS, WFS and WMS?
A: Good idea - very old JIRA ticket on this one (to align GetFeatureInfo and GetFeature)

Q: Any chance of porting PPIO to GeoTools for wps-client use?
A: Good idea - next idea (or funding etc...)

Users mailing list review from last 3 weeks

Working with rasters is raising questions:
* Imagemosaics 5 cases
* GeoTIFF rendering 3 cases
* GDAL pyramids
* Raster SLD
* GDAL coverages and REST
* GDAL plugin

- Most of these can be answered with documentation links.
- Nobody is asking about publishing to postgis or a shapefile, raster questions gets way more questions

Q: Could we do blog post based on the raster questions?
A: It would be a FAQ linking to the docs

Action: Jukka make a JIRA ticket out of these common questions

Comparison between geoserver and mapserver user mailing lists on this one. GeoServer is collecting more "advanced beginners" which have a learning wall prepping rasters for publication.

Questions about integrated GWC, probably not best served by GeoServer developers:
* GWC seeding with REST
* GWC info_format - error from GetFeatureInfo info_format, preview app is sending GetFeatueInfo requests. Check with user about installation, possible JIRA issue.
* external wms - this sounds like something for GWC list

- Perhaps send these questions to GWC list? Nope as we embed GWC so we should answer the questions.
- GWC needs a bit more work

Complex configurations and complex schemas make complex troubles:
* Slow start with thousands of layers
* App schema efficiency
* Complex features and WMS

* Kevin and Andrea is talking about thousands of layers / JDBC config
* Ben and Rini have been answering app-schema questions
* Parsing and caching all the schemas takes a lot of CPU and storage
* Room for optimisation here

Reminder: Check email list, keep it friendly, take part if you can, and provide pointers to docs when possible.

General Discussion

* Clusters WPS discussion (requires all cluster members recognise each others asynchronous process results)
* Windows Jetty is very old, and we see windows users deploying this into production. Can we update master now to a newer (Jetty 9?). Increases size by a couple MB.
* Wicket upgrade? Sizeable amount of (unfunded) work. Still have no leads on budget/time for this activity.
* Jody had a question about GWC locking policy and application context that makes a bean for every implementation. Solution uses a delegate and swaps between beans based on configure.
* Pull requests: why is Travis broken? Because it is building with Java 7 which we don't test. And our logs get too big. Or our build goes over 50 mins (due to slow download).
* There are some raster dumps in the logs <-- can we kill these!
* GeoTools mvn -Dall broken for Jody due to https repository? Can we publish these artifacts on geotools repository, or upgrade to newer version (which is available on central).

Community events:
- FOSS4G Europe in July (Bremen) - talk to Andrea if you want to help out!
- Eclipse Developers Day Sydney (Sydney) - April 2nd.
- Locate14 (Canberra) - April 7-9

Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre