GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-04-01
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jukka Rahkonen
Andrea Aime
Jody Garnett
1) GSIP 111
2) FOSS4G Presentations
3) gt-wfs-ng
4) WFS/FES SWG report
5) Java 7
Previous meeting action items:
- JG: (done) Get an update on mac build server, or build 2.5.0 DMG by hand
- BCD: (done) Ben will ask Justin to clarify WFS status on email
- JG: Remove https repo from build (publish required artifacts onto geotools repo)
- JG: Create ticket for raster dumps in log output
Action Items:
- TBD: Java 7 proposal for GeoTools
- TBD: Java 7 GSIP for GeoServer
GSIP 111
This is just a quick API change
Q: Do we need a proposal for something this small?
A: Not really ... only care if you break extension points
Q: Any volunteers to review newbie wicket code?
FOSS4G Presentations
Just a reminder See
- Niels working on transactions
- Rini merged much of Adam Brown's code, has a pull request
WFS/FES SWG report
WFS 2.0.1 has been approved by committee vote. WFS/FES 2.x (either 2.1 or 3.0) expected by September; includes new REST API.
See presentation by Peter Vretanos to OGC TC:
See also presentation by Jeff Harrison at the end on WFS REST + GeoJSON.
WFS requires strict CRS conversion (ie feature with two geometries from different CRSs). This is being relaxed a bit in 2.0.1.
Small changes in WFS 1.1 to fix CRS handling (backport of srs name standards) - like we do already.
Should be nothing dramatic for GeoServer There are some new REST stuff.
Ben would like a sanity check from Justin. Andrea has provided some feedback on REST API and GeoJSON.
Java 7
Jody thinks we should do this, as security updates no longer provided for Java 6.
What is needed:
1) Test GeoTools
- OpenJDK
- OracleJDK
2) Test GeoServer
- OpenJDK
- OracleJDK
3) Update build server(s)
- only master branches
4) Update the GeoTools developers guide
5) Update the GeoServer developers Guide
- Keep Java 7 syntax to a minimum for anything you want to backport!
Q: Proposal? Or email discussion.
A: Need to write one ...
- FileWatcher
- Less version hell for new developers
General Chatter
ResourceEvents pull request still pending.
Build stability:
* thanks for kicking mbtiles and geopackage out of the build
* https repo is still an issue for mac osx 10.9.
Q: Handling of old Open Tickets?
A: Code sprint now and then is our current approach
Thanks to Jukka for verifying issues!
Q: Is it worth closing old feature requests?
A: Nope leave them in the mix, close if they can no longer be implemented
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre