GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-07-22
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Andrea Aime
Jody Garnett
Jukka Rahkonen
- GeoTools 12-beta release
- GeoServer contributor agreement
- Website
- ImageIO-Ext IP Review
- Wicket Upgrade Sprint Prep
- General Discussion
- Andrea: Add advanced projection handling to docs or javadocs? (AA)
- Jody: kick wordpress blog an issue about feed.xml script access
- Justin: can you review please
- Ben: posting minuets like a boss
Previous Actions
1) Justin: testing wfs-ng changes
- Result is we have cut over on 12-beta
- older one could cascade mapserver (a bit) but needed flags flipped for cascade geoserver (and also for mapserver/tinyows cascade depending on the version one had to flip the expected coordinate order, or the order of the spatial filter geometries, all of which depends on the deployed version)
2) Jody: foss4g sprint blog post
- got pictures need to write something halfway intelligent
GeoTools 12-beta/11.2 release
Waiting on GSC 1.6-beta or 1.6.0-beta, will proceed when Kevin is ready.
GeoServer 2.5.2 underway.
Blog post will be a general plead for testing, actually how about a specific plead for testing.
What do we need tested 12-beta/2.6-beta?
1. Curve API? please we need fedeback?
- link to docs
2. advanced projection handling for raster? raise flag in render to enable this
rendererParams.put(StreamingRenderer.ADVANCED_PROJECTION_HANDLING_KEY, true);
rendererParams.put(StreamingRenderer.CONTINUOUS_MAP_WRAPPING, true);
(This is on by default in GeoServer 2.6-beta)
3. wfs-ng: test cascade of cascade of GeoServer, deegree, MapServer, tinyows, arcgis, other? axis order flags, query axis order (query wrong, result correct)
- About tinyows, there is a critical fix about axis order in tinyows trunc. It corrects finally the output but perhaps not the filters.
4. Anything else graduated (and not backported)
- ogr
- wkt-mark stuff being folded into trunk (ie windbarbs) - got example for me? See unit tests ...
5. Contact your customers! Now is the best chance to help! And the best chance for mitigate risk!
6. Do you deploy geoserver? Assign a staff to evaulate 2.6-beta to help mitigate risk? Or contact commercial support later ...
7. New functionality/modules
- NetCDF
- Grib
- CoverageViews -
8. RnD
- anything with file watcher (freemarker template, security file)
- scripting UI needs testing!
GeoServer contributor agreement
Got them reviewed by OpenPlans, Jody will take it live ... this morning?
Will contact GitHub contributors as a priority.
Was not able to confirm recent agreements fron pull request.
Website update when blog post is publilshed?
Jody needs some help as he cannot figure out cross-scripting something or other? Needs headers adjusted in wordpress site RSS feed output
Short term semi-manual process:
Cut and paste the RSS feed from wordpress and commit into that feed.xml file and the website will update!
ImageIO-Ext IP Review
Spreadsheet with headers (various questions about where the code came from). Most looked fine (explain the use of "based on").
Andrea has converted to google docs for discussion.
Jody will join imageio-ext and offer to help
Wicket Upgrade Sprint Prep
What do we need before we hit the ground at foss4g?
1) Get a branch to compile before the sprint? (wicket 5) (wicket 6)
Latest is 6.16.0
2) If you do not know wicket - read up before the sprint!
3) Real fun (for the sprint) is when it compiles but does not work
- if we don't get a branch compiled before the sprint is not worth doing - result would be another dead branch (because the real fun starts when you can run the pages, and they do not work)
- can we ask for help (say manually testing?) Not really heavy developer work needed to get the page to render before user testing can start (cross browser testing. Chrome, Firefox)
General Discussion
1) QGIS discussion about developers writing documentation vs users write documentations:
- we tried with a wiki and a devels ended up writing the docs, jody ported to github, end of story ... getting the occasional doc fix on github pull request now though
- we have had committers show up just to focus on docs
- occasional just doc volunteer
- users may be able to document some parts of user interface but for writing a usable documentation the writer needs to understand what happens - ideally there would be doc-developers
2) WPS 2.0 Presentation
3) Meeting time
May be able to push the meeting back a bit for Jody/Justin as discussed last meeting.
Alternate suggested time for November?
Auckland: Wed 9:00 AM
Vancouver: Tue 12:00 Noon
Rome: Tue 9:00 PM
4) GeoTools Pull requests in need of Love?
Nine open pull requests:
- WFS Cascade waiting for feature freeze to end at the end of august.
- remove of library call, need input from someone who uses OGR/JNI (jody assigning this to justin) (Andrea uses OGR/Bridj instead) Q: Jody asks why we are running two? A: Andrea finds it difficult to find the native library working, Justin had some trouble with Bridj on OSX (but Jared got it to work). Java 9 will move away from JNI and get something similar to Bridj called FFI. Note JNA is dead to us (ie slow) See:
- We picked up most non risky pull requests for the release
4) GeoServer Pull requests in need of Love?
- Jody failed to "Migrate the Return empty BIL image on non intersecting box" pull request to master. Asking author to resubmit against master.
- [GEOS-6508] WFS 2.0 three way join fails with a NPE. This is a bug fix for after the 12-beta
- There are a bunch of backports what should be synchoronzed with GeoTools etc...
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship
Australian Resources Research Centre