GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-08-19
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jody Garnett
Andrea Aime
Jukka Rahkonen
- Reports from release managers
- GSIP-118 Apache license and OSGeo copyright
- FOSS4G Prep
- Andrea to nominate Jason for commit access
Actions from last meeting
* Jody: take 2.6-beta feedback into individual bug reports for discussion/resolution [DONE]
* Ben: Going to write a blog post about auscope roadshow [DONE]
* Jukka: Test 2.6-beta windows start.bat story [DONE]
* Andrea: post the meeting logs [DONE]
* Ben: Ask for volunteers to make 2.6-RC1, 2.4.8 (last 2.4.x release) [DONE by Andrea]
Reports from release managers
- Everything was anounced
- Q: 12.x / 2.6.x Branch A: Yes
Note: Announce the end of the future freeze when the branch is made.
Need testers: We had 800 or so download the beta. No feedback on mailing list, though.
Went smooth.
Recommend Jared for commit access
- Windows: test please
- OSX: test please - includes JRE?
- Layer Preview broken? Enable popups for workaround!
GSIP-118 Apache license and OSGeo copyright
Attended the board meeting and answered questions. Kept FYI rather than a vote.
Kevin has some work to do for GWC? Needs to clean up headers, he can do so as a "labs project".
Ben was happy with the lack of paper work required.
* Andrea is waiting on Jody to start slides (many slides ....)
* There is a WPS shoot out that Jody has not managed to catch up. Need to login to a VM and install WPS extension.
* Tom and Jody are taking a GeoTools FOSS4G branch for a ride to prep new tutorial.
Chit Chat
- css for geotools? Still on the back burner
- geogig project is actually moving at locationtech. So Jody is submitting geotools for IP review again. How to subset jcommon jar etc...
- Q: Eclipse Foundation? Example: Jetty seems non active, broken website etc... A: GitHub being used by new projects
- Jukka had some good examples, will ask about blog post
- Comments from the peanut gallery. Jody's Canadian accent is back
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship
Australian Resources Research Centre