GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-09-30
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Andrea Aime
Jody Garnett
Jukka Rahkonen
Marcus Sen
1) 2.6.0 Release Train
2) Foss4g Roundup
3) Community additions (GeoFence, etc...)
4) Upgrade
5) Pull Request Roundup
6) WMS DataURL
Actions from last meeting
- (Jody) Merge GEOS-6669 fix and ask list to test nightly build [DONE]
- (Ben) Ask on the mailing list for GeoTools 12.0 / GeoServer 2.6.0 release volunteer [DONE]
- (Jody) will check to see about Kevin's availability to coordinate GWC activities [DONE]
- (Jody) Round up FOSS4G blog post for [PENDING]
- AuScope Roadshow blog post [PENDING]
- JG/JD: Build DMG
- AA: Linux test
- BCD: Ask Ian about blog post
- JG: foss4g slide/video blogs so we can link to them for release
- Marcus: Search foss4g website for other related talks (search source for GeoServer to get all the titles). "Vertical Solution" = include GeoServer
Community additions:
- AA: Solr <-- first
- AA: JMS Clustering
- AA: GeoFence
- JD: Hazelcast Cluster
- JD: Looking at Spring 4.2, will send email of regression/glitches
- JD: Jetty required for new Spring (as it uses Servlet 3.0)
- JD: wfs stored queries (Sampo Savolainen)
- AA: contact Sampo and see if he can resume work on wfs stored queries
Pull requests:
- JG: Contact Dwins about missing tests (GS PR 752/753)
- AA: Check with JD about Cite and fix from Brad
- Marcus - submit pull request when paperwork complete
2.6.0 Release Train
Artifacts are ready? Tested ...
- bin tested on windows 7
- DMG not produced yet? Some email with Justin
- so we are still waiting
- Is there a draft blog post?
- We are two weeks late - sigh
- JG/JD: Build DMG
- AA: Linux test
- BCD: Ask Ian about blog post
Foss4g Roundup
I think videos are published? Not everything so check again
- JG: foss4g slide/video blogs so we can link to them for release
- Marcus: Search foss4g website for other related talks (search source for GeoServer to get all the titles). "Vertical Solution" = include GeoServer
Community additions
To confirm get a GeoServer blog post to go out when new community modules merged into GeoServer.
- AA: Solr <-- first
- AA: JMS Clustering
- AA: GeoFence
- JD: Hazelcast Cluster
2.6.0 Upgrade Traing
So what are we planning to upgrade:
- JD: Looking at Spring 4.2, will send email of regression/glitches
- JD: Jetty required for new Spring (as it uses Servlet 3.0)
- Wicket still requires funding - so don't wait for it
- JD: wfs stored queries (Sampo Savolainen)
AA: contact Sampo and see if he can resume work on it
Pull / Request Roundup
- GeoTools tutorial - confimr already merged
- Docs - merge
- WFS Stored Queries - check with Justin/Sampo)
- SQL Server docs fix. Who can test? AA/JD/Victor/Rini? Merge doc fix ...
- MBTiles and GeoPkg LayerPreview
- too many for meeting
- geoserver windbarb merge
- fix from brad on cite test failures
We have a couple pull requests from David Winslow missing tests:
Lots small pull "QA" requests waiting on a developer to build.
- JG: Contact Dwins about missing tests
- AA: Check with JD about Cite and fix from Brad
Marcus started work on prototype DataURL support in WMS:
New feature - sounds great!
Look at how editing the MetaDataLinkEditor in the GeoServer UI.
Q: Is this the link to ISO 19115? A: No that is metadata URL
- There is also a feature list URL
Q: Can we link from WMS to WFS URL? Yes we could ... but OWS-10 looked at this using GetAssociations operation
- Marcus - submit pull request when paperwork
- Tips for asking management - works for GeoTools/GeoServer
- IP department can look for Apache License
General Chatter
Jody building up annoyances with REST API
ResourceStore workig well for mocking
Question about warnings:
- kill where possible
- often we don't have the time
- be careful of whitespace changes for no reason (seperate commit if you must)
- try for less warnings on each file you touch
Java 8 getting tested <-- wow!
Mailing list review:
Users have finally started to test 2.6-RC1 and found some issues:
- Cascading WMS (already fixed for the release)
- WMS slow through jdbc to postgis?
- Stable flow of REST questions?
Idea: Ask users for an example of their working REST API request/response and cut and paste into the docs? Could collect into seperate page ...
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship
Australian Resources Research Centre