[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools/Geoserver October 1st 2012 minutes

GeoServer/GeoTools meeting (October 1st)



Alessio Fabiani
Andrea Aime
Jody Garnett
Jukka Rahkonen
Simone Giannecchini


  • reports from the GeoServer Vienna code sprint
  • next releases
  • GeoTools Feature Collection Hacking
  • GeoServer Incubation

Action items

  • GSIP80: please review/vote (everybody)
  • Ask who does the next release on ml and prepare plan next months (Andrea Aime)
  • Jody Presentation GeoLibre (Update GeoServer slides for 2.2, Future: SOS, CSW, etc…)
  • Organize the provenance review on the ml? Mentor?
  • Propose a license for documentation (CC), see also here: http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/welcome/license.html

Reports from the GeoServer Vienna code sprint

Goal: Improve build times
Success: well done! 30-50%


a) JUnit 4 - check
b) Resue setup classes
c) Evil order dependent tests
d) Massive amount of changes


  • Issues on windows; open readers (poor Alessio)
  • Backport to 2.2.x (soon rather then have the diff go out of date)


  • Set up a windows 64bit build server? GeoSolutions has a license - are they brave enough :slight_smile:

Next releases

2.2.1 in 3 weeks (who does it? Jody is busy, Andrea and Justin did the last two)
Prepare timetable for the whole 2.2.x series

Suggestion: Volunteer from same workday as timezone as Justin :slight_smile:

GeoTools Feature Collection Hacking


  • API change and Javadoc clarified
  • Massive number of API changes
  • The story for “add” is fairly easy, change to DefaultFeatureCollection (implements FeatureCollection, Collection so add is present)
  • uDig did not have that many errors; everyone has steered clear of the add/remove methods etc…

GeoServer Incubation

Checklist: http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Incubation+Checklist

  • Jody - filled out the checklist
  • Andrea - checked it over
  • Next: our mentor is going to check over the checklist and ask questions

Code / Docs / Data review: http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Provenance+Review

  • Next!


  • Divide up modules on the mailing list
  • Remember just report into Jira, don’t need to fix :slight_smile:
  • Make Jira for each module, use subtasks for Issues

Q: do we have a licence for documentation?
A: May need to make a GSIP to make it CC?

GeoServer User list trends

Top 3 user list topics (weighted)
WMS + time dimension
SLD + rendering


Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549


Topics missed:

  1. GeoTools: Finish up Parameter Interaction discussion and get on to coding
  2. GeoServer: SOS

GeoTools Feature Collection Hacking


  • API change and Javadoc clarified
  • Massive number of API changes
  • The story for “add” is fairly easy, change to DefaultFeatureCollection (implements FeatureCollection, Collection so add is present)
  • uDig did not have that many errors; everyone has steered clear of the add/remove methods etc…

This one sounds more scary then it is - intended to say massive number of downstream classes to fix - but the code is happy for the most part.

Micheal Bedward pointed out that the use of “add” is common in examples and when staging content - DefaultFeatureCollection works in this case as a drop in replacement.

On 2 October 2012 08:22, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:

Micheal Bedward pointed out that the use of "add" is common in examples and
when staging content - DefaultFeatureCollection works in this case as a drop
in replacement.

Someone mention my name ?

You know, I actually think it's confusing for users to be told firstly
that FeatureCollection.add is deprecated, and then that it's cool to
use the add method of DefaultFeatureCollection. At least, it confuses
me, which is why I edited the feature tutorial to use a List to
accumulate features and then wrap that in a ListFeatureCollection.

But I've been bad at keeping up with recent work so am probably
missing something here...


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 7:39 AM, Andrea Aime <andrea.aime@anonymised.com> wrote:

GeoServer/GeoTools meeting (October 1st)



Alessio Fabiani
Andrea Aime
Jody Garnett
Jukka Rahkonen
Simone Giannecchini


  • reports from the GeoServer Vienna code sprint
  • next releases
  • GeoTools Feature Collection Hacking
  • GeoServer Incubation

Action items

  • GSIP80: please review/vote (everybody)
  • Ask who does the next release on ml and prepare plan next months (Andrea Aime)
  • Jody Presentation GeoLibre (Update GeoServer slides for 2.2, Future: SOS, CSW, etc…)
  • Organize the provenance review on the ml? Mentor?
  • Propose a license for documentation (CC), see also here: http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/welcome/license.html

Reports from the GeoServer Vienna code sprint

Goal: Improve build times
Success: well done! 30-50%


a) JUnit 4 - check
b) Resue setup classes
c) Evil order dependent tests
d) Massive amount of changes


  • Issues on windows; open readers (poor Alessio)
  • Backport to 2.2.x (soon rather then have the diff go out of date)


  • Set up a windows 64bit build server? GeoSolutions has a license - are they brave enough :slight_smile:

Next releases

2.2.1 in 3 weeks (who does it? Jody is busy, Andrea and Justin did the last two)
Prepare timetable for the whole 2.2.x series

Just a note that since we don’t maintain a “release branch” anymore (just pushing up a tag from a temporary local branch instead) the last issue i know of should be resolved. During the last release everything went smoothly so i am hoping that the release scripts have been sufficiently hardened. But we’ll see :slight_smile:

GeoTools Feature Collection Hacking


  • API change and Javadoc clarified
  • Massive number of API changes
  • The story for “add” is fairly easy, change to DefaultFeatureCollection (implements FeatureCollection, Collection so add is present)
  • uDig did not have that many errors; everyone has steered clear of the add/remove methods etc…

GeoServer Incubation

Checklist: http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Incubation+Checklist

  • Jody - filled out the checklist
  • Andrea - checked it over
  • Next: our mentor is going to check over the checklist and ask questions

Code / Docs / Data review: http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Provenance+Review

  • Next!


  • Divide up modules on the mailing list
  • Remember just report into Jira, don’t need to fix :slight_smile:
  • Make Jira for each module, use subtasks for Issues

Q: do we have a licence for documentation?
A: May need to make a GSIP to make it CC?

GeoServer User list trends

Top 3 user list topics (weighted)
WMS + time dimension
SLD + rendering


Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549


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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.

GeoServer Incubation

Checklist: http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Incubation+Checklist

  • Jody - filled out the checklist
  • Andrea - checked it over
  • Next: our mentor is going to check over the checklist and ask questions

Code / Docs / Data review: http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GeoServer+Provenance+Review

  • Next!


  • Divide up modules on the mailing list
  • Remember just report into Jira, don’t need to fix :slight_smile:
  • Make Jira for each module, use subtasks for Issues

Q: do we have a licence for documentation?
A: May need to make a GSIP to make it CC?

I have updated the tasks on this page (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/GSIP+38+-+Join+Open+Source+Geospatial+Foundation) to reflect the review. I have penciled in a few names (Ben for app-schema, Gabriel for GWC as appropriate?).

Please review / edit / and divide up the work.

  1. Review Core application for GeoServer Provenance Review (short list issues in JIRA, not required to fix)
    • GR: gwc and web/gwc
    • main
    • ows
    • platform
    • rest
    • security
    • wcs and web/wcs
    • wms and wb/wms
    • wfs and web/wfs
    • web app, web/core
  2. Review Extensions for GeoServer Provenance Review (short list issues in JIRA, not required to fix)
    • BCD: extension/app-schema
    • GR: extension/arcsde
    • AA: extension/charts
    • AA: extension/control-flow
    • JG: extension/db2
    • JG: extension/excel
    • extension/pregeneralized
    • AA: extension/gdal
    • extension/geosearch
    • JG: extension/h2
    • extension/imagemap
    • extension/imagemoasic-jdbc
    • extension/jp2k
    • extension/mysql
    • extension/ogr
    • JG: extension/oracle
    • JG: extension/querylayer
    • JG: extension/sqlserver
    • JG: extension/teradata
    • JG: extension/validation
    • JG: extension/wps
  3. Review Documentation and Data for GeoServer Provenance Review (short list issues in JIRA, not required to fix)
    • web demo
    • data
    • documentation
  4. Other review items for GeoServer Provenance Review
    • JG: Community - skipped as community module is a sandbox, any work going lives undergoes review
    • JG: Release and build support files are also explicitly skipped