Attending- Torben Barsballe
Andrea Aime
Kevin Smith
Jody Garnett
Actions from Last Meeting- 2.15 release, Jody with Andrea as a sidekick to do the blog post
- JDK version recognition and do not set Marlin on JDK 11, Andrea for Linux, Jody for Windows
Actions- [Torben] Donate geoserver-exts FileGBD Importer format as a community module
Agenda- 2.15 release
OGR data store
QA moving on
Chit chat (CITE tests for example)
2.15 Release
JTS 1.16.1 Release is now made in Maven
Fixes a bug reported by Hugh Saalmans
Next step is update the JTS dependency
Projects are managing JTS version separately
Future planning:
JTS 1.17 will include a binary (not code) incompatibility with polygon interior ring being a LinearRing (rather than LineString)
We found inconsistent coordinate sequences being produced when comparing image mosiac footprint intersections (YX) with mosaic bounds (XYZ)
- blog post draft started please edit
Blog post draft:
Take previous one
Add screen snaps from geowolf twitter
Andrea can review and publish when ready
2.15 cite tests jobs now created (thanks Torben)
windows bat java version fix
OGR data store
OGR data store getting back in the build. Pooling implemented to speed up things. Datastore panel community module, assemblies for nightly builds. Will add a flag to prime the OpenFileGBD spatial index.
Discussion about a possible FileGBD format for importer.
QA moving on
Checkstyle for GWC and GS:
Closeable for SQL PMD checks merged in GeoTools, Andrea will follow up with GWC/GS and then see what other closeables can be added into the checks.
Add -Dqa to a build (for a single or small set of modules) to run all QA checks together (instead of having to specify four different profiles for pmd, spotbugs, checkstyle and errorprone).
Chit chat
QGIS raster export done, available in 3.5 (unstable), PR made for backport to 3.4, pending:
QGIS geoserver plugin issue about conflicts in SLD export: