Kevin Smith
Torben Barsballe
Jody Garnett
Jukka Rahkonen
Actions from last meeting- Jody: Draft AGM Update for GeoTools & GeoServer. Ian/Torben to review
All: RC coming up quickly please help review pull requests
(done) Jody: Request private GitLab repo to backup Jenkins config
#2343 request private gitlab repo for configuration
- - send osgeo userid if you need access
(done) Jody: Update with link to contributor-covenant
Agenda- 2.15.3 Release (no volunteers…)
2.16-RC Release
Actions- (done) #2340 Request Windows build server
- Jody: Draft AGM Update for GeoTools & GeoServer. Ian/Torben to review
2.15.3 Release
No volunteers - release in limbo.
Check back after foss4g
2.16-RC Release
2.15.3 looks like it won’t be happening this week, and no one has identified any critical pending code changes for the RC, so will start the GT 22-RC / GS 2.16-RC midweek (Later this afternoon or sometime tomorrow).
Good luck everyone:
(done) Update with BOF session Wednesday BOF Details
How to help:
Any air support with blog posts or twitter
Quickly review any PRs on docguide or developer guide ahead of workshops