[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2020-05-26


Jody Garnett

Torben Barsballe

Jukka Rahkonnen

Kevin Smith

Actions from last meeting- [DONE] Andrea: setup mail password to enable build failure notifications

  • [DONE] disable appschema online test for now

  • [DONE] Torben: get credentials for build server to publish geoserver docs from Tom

  • [DONE] Start email thread on the geowebcache devel list about org.json licensing

Agenda- Release Updates

  • GitHub Fundraising

  • Build server updates


Release Updates- GeoServer 2.16.3 being rereleased (8 hours ago) and now published

GitHub Fundraising


  • Jody asked board for GeoTools

  • Board is getting set up as a recognized organization, once it is established we should be good to go

  • While GitHub does not take a cut

GitHub does not charge fees for GitHub Sponsors. We cover payment processing costs, so one-hundred percent of your sponsorship goes to the developers and organizations you fund

  • The “Open Source Collective” takes a 10% cut (similar to PayPal)

  • So direct sponsorship to OSGeo still the best option

Build server updates- geoscript jobs

  • All are now passing - thanks Jared

  • Note repo access may need to be an “osgeo project”

  • MySQL tests are a false positive - MySQL is not installed on the build server

  • CITE jobs

  • Docker is installed on the build server, CITE jobs seem to be running… Stay tuned for updates?

  • CITE

  • Note: OSGeo has an agreement with OGC to certify us

  • Note SAC is willing to host a GeoServer

  • Pygeoapi and mapserver did this

  • We could consider this to qualify as an OGC reference implementation

  • This would need a volunteer (to make a docker image for SAC to run)