[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2020-09-01


Torben Barsballe

Jody Garnett

Kevin Smith

Andrea Aime (for a short visit)

Jukka Rahkonen

Actions from last meeting:- Jody: (In progress) AGM slides for GT, GS and GWC

  • Andrea: 2.18-RC release reminder, Sept 1st

Agenda1. geoserver.org

  1. release candidate

  2. Parameters handling in GWC

  3. Project Status for AGM

  4. Chit-chat

Actions- Jody: Talk to Tom about domain name transfer (again) due to https cert issue


The cert seems to be invalid for https!

Transfer of blog content:

Release Candidate

Jody working on release

  • No surprises release is happening smoothly (lots of jobs to manage)

  • Noticed readme “http” rather than “https” links

  • JTS 1.17.1 update (to avoid api regression)

  • Action: Backport this to 23.x please

Parameters handling in GWC

See discussion of gwc email list:

  • Some common out of memory errors

  • Using filter parameters heavily under load

  • Parameters are stored in properties, to support cleanup

  • Andrea is going to send a proposal to the email thread to reduce amount of concurrent read and writes


  • Would prefer to switch to a database instead like disk quota

Project Status for AGM1. GeoTools update

  1. Action: code of conduct

  2. GeoServer update

  3. Other

Chit-chat1. CITE tests delayed for a bit

  1. Need a volunteer to be interviewed for MapScaping GeoServer podcast episode?

  2. Jody unavailable to talk to because of european timezone difference?

  3. Ian are you available?

  4. OGC Code sprint

  5. Jukka attended a ogc-api coverage, enjoyable across time zones

  6. Based on web coverage service 2.0 → ogc-api, discussion about subsets, and 1/2 pixel shifts and so on …

  7. Documented in https://github.com/opengeospatial/OGC-API-Sprint-August-2020

  8. Is there geosever community module for this? Too early, 2 or 3 implementations( attended the sprint (CubeWerx and pygeoapi).