Actions from last meeting:- Jody: Talk to Tom about domain name transfer (again) due to https cert issue
(Done): Communication from Tom on September 1st, waiting on legal …
- [DONE] Torben: Review Ian’s github pages blog migration
Agenda1. GeoServet 2.18.0 / GeoTools 24.0 Release roundup
Build issues
Actions- N/A
GeoServet 2.18.0 / GeoTools 24.0 Release roundup
Ian is doing the release (thanks Ian).
Anything for the release?
- Be sure to thank folks who tested RC
Can we get the geoserver blog post migration done before this? Yes
Redirect Nope (waiting on control of domain)
Adjusting release links to be relative for prior releases?
Yes, should we do as part of this as part of PR…
Torben can try this
Update release instructions
Ian should do (taking notes when doing the release)
GeoServer index.html, show 3 most recent, can probably do this with some script thing
Torben to adapt, already there for the “blog” page showing 10 most recent posts
Jody: Code of conduct PR (pending)
- No outstanding PRs
Build issues
See email list
Q: Repository related? Perhaps, or jenkins build related, …
Two jenkins jobs deploying at once causing an issue?
Jody has made a build group
for “GeoTools” publishing to geotools-snapshots
For “GeoServer” publishing to geoserver-snapshots (used by GWC also) - tasks
Snapshot cleanup: Changed from Hourly → Daily → Weekly (on Friday)
compact snapshot storage: weekly on Sunday
If problem occurs monday this is the cause
metadata-xml repair: manual when requested
We could schedule after compact snapshot storage
Can we improve testing / feedback cycle please
While Jody can adjust jenkins build and nexus snapshot handling, need more details when reporting failure
What jar, what time, check the repo yourself by hand, …
Jenkins almost never has problems
Any problems here tend to be java11 shared maven repo trouble
Travis fails often (testing PRs)
This is tricky, is it caching?
Travis does different JVM builds
GitHub workflows (for testing PRs)
Tends to focus on OS specific builds
Often these failures are windows or macos specific (so good testing)
macOS configuration is a bit strange to be a testing box
Random developers fail around the internet?
Please report what jar, what time, and browse, check the repository
Sphinx build failure on PR?
This is a hard fail now (warnings → errors), a recent wfs-template PR broke the documentation build
Q: Can travis / github workflows check this please?
A: The Travis build did check this, the PR was merged with build failures
Chit Chat
- Done! Went, well, watch the video
- Jody may be able to arrange a time (unless Ian already did?)
Thank gabe for the clustering discussion!
Catalog microservice discussion
Easy to use all the database connections
Catalog web interface, …
Caching had a significant improvement previously
Pre-caching did not have as much an improvement (and hard to maintain)
Quick look at request and “guess” what to request from the catalog ahead of time
Caching for duration of a single request
Hope caching mitigates catalog being so chatty
Close to doing real performance testing
MBStyle specification:
Docs do not reflect how many things are implemented!
Example background layer
Only approach is to review the code?