[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2020-11-24


Andrea Aime

Jody Garnett

Jukka Rahkonen

Torben Barsballe

Kevin Smith

Actions from last meeting:- [DONE] Torben: Vote on Datastore Parameter proposal

  • All: Volunteer for releases - [DONE] 2.18.1 in November, 2.17.4 in December

Agenda1. Travis CI replacement

  1. December release volunteer

  2. Unchecked branches status update

  3. Java 11 modules units issue

  4. Releasing or fixing an old branch

Actions- Jody: Create Ticket/Wiki for tracking Travis CI replacement


  • Andrea: ask for a December release volunteer on list

Travis CI replacement

Cost of using Travis CI vs cost of migrating builds.

What do we need to migrate:

  • GeoServer → java 8, java 11, and QA builds

  • GeoTools → java 8, java 11, and QA builds

  • Linux environment available in github actions so this can be migrated

  • These should be “simple” to migrate, nothing complicated

  • GeoTools database builds

  • sqlserver, oracle, mysql 5, mysql 8

  • GeoServer documentation build

  • requires sphinx, so “not simple”

  • GeoTools documentation build

  • Note: unlikely to be effective, as sphinx not installed

  • GeoServer package build

  • Should be “simple” to migrate


  • Pay Travis

  • We have budget, we could look at value for paying

  • github Actions

  • Databases make of well-known service “postgis service”,is there an equivalent for Oracle, sqlserver and mysql 5/8?

  • Also worried about using only one tool, and everyone is switching to them.

  • Jenkins

  • The approach of adding a jenkins pipeline build to repository is important to allow anyone to work on this

  • Circle CI, we have had mixed success with the Windows build, and there is a time limit (think 50 minutes). GeoNode is using CircleCI. Apparently we’d get 4 concurrent builds for Linux.

  • Azure Pipelines is also an option.

GDAL migrated to GitHub Actions with https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/3194 and https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/3198

December release volunteer


Need a volunteer. Let’s ask on the list.

Unchecked branches status update

GeoTools: merged! Instructions here: https://docs.geotools.org/latest/developer/conventions/code/qa.html#javac

GeoWebCache: merged!

GeoServer: ongoing. https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/4567 Andrea currently working on WFS. EMF models source of warnings as collections have no generics in place, for the time being, they are being suppressed (IntelliJ seems to have a cleanup removing unnecessary annotations, if we fix the EMF models later).

GeoTools Java 11 modules units issue

Coming down to NetCDF use of units preventing startup:

  • Previously a hack using reflection was used to configure a DefaultFormatter

  • We need a new approach

Ongoing PR (breaks existing tests, removes code that can parse NetCDF units)

https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/3232 (nope!)

Some notes on how to possibly handle it in the javadoc of the class:


And in this ticket:



We updated to Indriya 2.0.2 earlier in the year:


  • Can this fix be confined just to netCDF? I know units are used in more locations …. Nope.

  • GeoToolsUnitsFormatter may need to wrap, rather than configure, … but may not have required visibility access

  • Need someone familiar with units to do the job, might need funding

Releasing or fixing an old branch

Given funding it’s not a problem, it’s just not easy given how many things changed.

Jody would like to release:

  • GT 19.x / GWC 1.13.x / GS 2.13.x

  • I do not want to bother folks with pull-request against these

  • Some build changes to osgeo repo needed

Q: Do we backport between all the releases? 22.x, 21.x, 20.x … 19.x?
Not needed, PRs to 19.x can be clear … anyone needing 20.x can cherry-pick if needed to get that branch to build again also.