Torben Barsballe
Jody Garnett
Andrea Aime
Jukka Rahkonen
Actions from last meeting- Torben: Begin Jenkins migration once we get credentials for GeoCat server [Waiting on credentials]
Jody: (done) Reach out to Eclipse Foundation regarding domains (GeoGig, etc.)
Ian: Look into migrating geoserver blog to github pages
Agenda- Meeting Time
Instructure Transition Updates
GS 2.17 / GT 23 Testing and Release
Moving useful functions out of the mbstyle module?
Actions- Jody: GeoTools blog post pending, perhaps tonight
Ask on mailing list to push back 2.17.0 release, and for release volunteers
Discuss moving some useful MBStyle functions to core
Meeting Time
Move to 16:30 UTC for PMC meetings going forward, to accomodate Europe Daylight savings time ending.
Infrastructure Transition Updates
Domain transfer:
Some discussion with Tom and Eclipse for geogig and geoscript
No action OSGeo transfers, everyone is ready
Build server:
Torben / Juan: looking at this
No update
Ian was looking at this (see email list - something about needing Tools)
Jody can see an “Export” to download an XML bundle ← is this what you need Ian
Q: Who can install a wordpress plugin?
GS 2.17 / GT 23 testing and release
2.17 RC is released, please continue to test:
Some issues on master after the release:
Post-release Build cleanup:
Simplify version handling
Improve human-readable names and descriptions in pom files
Extensions review (see email)
Readme discussion, many of the ones with readme have manual steps
(like jdbc driver, or configuration) -
No show stoppers some things to improve
This appears to be a legit patch from guava!
Testing feedback
Jody did some extensive testing
GeoSolutions nightly deploy
Been working good enough
Some change with mbstyle dependency needed a small dependency change
GeoCat’s testing has also been fine (repackage mbstyle and web-resource) as expected
GeoCat Bridge ← will try and get this tested also as this is a functional test
- Action: (jody) GeoTools blog post pending, perhaps tonight
Q: Who is doing the next release?
Can we hold this open for two weeks testing - so end of the month.
Action: Ask on the list for availability, and end of month
Q: When? Supposed to be tomorrow?
- Suggest we don’t do this tomorrow
Moving useful functions out of the mbstyle module?
The MBStyle contains some really useful functions:
Some not so useful, zoom/level, custom mbstyle “string” → geotools enum etc…
“Coalesce” Function ← first non null value returned
Exponential Function was useful …
Font Alternatives Function
JSON functions ← maybe maybe not
String uppercase / lowercase functions? ← mbstyle supports dynamic case transform
Case function ← literal case statement as a function, kind of like rules
case(boolean expression, value, boolean expression, value, ….)
Now that this is an extension we can migrate some of these functions into “main”.
Action: Take to email for discussion, and PR
Sidebar: MBFunctionFactory
The original was non-optimal
Fallback value makes this a bit harder then it should be
Use of a data structure would be useful to maintain this
Chit Chat
For your consideration:
Change involves change to driver classname
Expect some changes needed for JNDI configuration
Impossible to support both drivers
oracle.sql.STRUCT (deprecated, breaking build possibly)
Should be okay for master
Not sure if this can be backported because of use of driver name in
Any use of local database:
DiskQuota, WPS, Importer, ImageMosaic -
JNDI configurations? Not sure (because it uses a URL)
GWC Default GridSets ← we may need to change these
900913 no longer needed as default → WebMercatorQuad
EPSG:4326 gridset, EPSG:4326:0, EPSG:4326:1, EPSG:4326:2, …
Discussion of possible extensions of supported/unsupported geotools modules
ES added to geotools
This may be fun to package as a community module for geoserver folks?
CSV added to geotools
Can get this into GeoSever if you install WPS
Good candidate for an extension, or include core?
… now available in GWC standalone
but not packaged for GeoServer (see S3 example and its packaging)
Use of google slides links in blog post is causing problems
Mobile device access is okay
Computer with google login causes problems for visitors,
even if access was granted to public -
Jody switched to slideshare (see )
Andrea recommended speakerdeck (see example)