GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2021-02-16### Attending#
Kevin Smith
Torben Barsballe
Jody Garnett
Andrea AIme
Gabriel Roldan
Jukka Rahkonnen
### Actions from last meeting:#
[DONE] Gabe/Jody to have a relaxed release of 2.17.5 (over the weekend?)
[DONE] Kevin: Review GWC Gridset x2 pull request
[In Progress] Jody/Gabriel: Write up GSIP for GeoServer-Cloud project
[In Progress] Torben: Try zhCN translation to see if it is published
### Agenda#
Release updates
Windows installer update
Cloud Native GeoServer project donation
Pom file formatting and xml file formatting
Documentation Translation
More QA rules incoming
### Actions#
# Release updates#
JTS upgrade made it in (thanks James)
Release is underway:
Done: Disabled jobs
Done: GeoTools
“Done”: GeoWebCache, sent issue to developer list
osgeo ldap went down making this step delayed
GeoServer is next
Start setting up the jobs again
Help needed / interesting activities:
Blog post has a lot to write up! Andrea to help on blog post ← that will be great!
A new template will be needed due to all the new modules graduating
Action: start a branch / pr to work on this
Rename master to main?
This is only proposed for GeoServer, and approved a while back?
This is probably a good idea for GeoTools, GeoWebCache
Send email to GeoTools and GeoWebCache about this…
GitHub re-targets existing open PRs to “main” automatically
# Windows installer update#
Waiting on above release
Sander will need access to Jenkins, will email PSC for this.
Goal is to have this for 2.19.0 (if we can)
# Cloud Native GeoServer project donation#
- Any quick feedback?
Q: In camptocamp already has a CLA, do they need to fill in this form again?
A: Yes, please fill in section B listing “cloud native geoserver” as a donated thing
Q: what is next?
A: Email geoserver-devel with GSIP-201 for votes, there is a ten day window for feedback
Q: Github documentation site?
There is one already on does this get moved to (yes because it is a a docs folder on the master
master → main branch
Name: “Cloud Native GeoServer” vs “GeoServer MicroServices”?
Discussion of “production” instance cited in PR, emphasis on high-availability
Future plans and experiments:
Trying out shared data directory, not the “stateless” goal but may be fun
Can consider a redis approach similar to stratus. Has a Redis Catalog Facade, with some deep performance enhancements to prefetch and cut down number of queries (per request caching facade)
Experimenting with moving event handling to the catalog, to make catalog more self contained and cut down on cross catalog concerns.
Also trying out catalog/config modifications based on “patches” rather than whole-object modifications
# Pom file formatting and xml file formatting#
- (Acegi formatter)
This removed all our logical blocks and comments
- (Eclipse formatter)
Good for application-context files
Messes up the pom.xml files
Only one way to produce valid pom.xml, very specific order, etc…
Q: Does it preserve comments? Yes
A bit annoying to have three formatters (google java, eclipse xml, sort pom)…
The last version that supports Java 8 has a fix we are interested in
Longer term this will be Java 11 only (sad)
JG: Was sad this did not make it in before RC.
AA: never mind, there is always a next release
Q: This should be applied across branches right?
A: Yes this is the way
# Documentation Translation#
Looking at chinese translation that was merged
Some build changes (pom.xml and build deploy) need to be added
PR coming soon (maybe)
Build server will also need updating to trigger the new builds
Sphinx translation of docs are thing, and would let docs be translated from transifex
Would take 1/2 day to set this up, if there is anyone interested in doing translation
# More QA rules incoming#
PrintStackTrace (finally!)
Constant array creation