[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting 2021-03-02

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2021-02-16### Attending#

Kevin Smith

Torben Barsballe

Jody Garnett

Andrea AIme

Gabriel Roldan

Jukka Rahkonnen

### Actions from last meeting:#

  • [DONE] Gabe/Jody to have a relaxed release of 2.17.5 (over the weekend?)

  • [DONE] Kevin: Review GWC Gridset x2 pull request

  • [In Progress] Jody/Gabriel: Write up GSIP for GeoServer-Cloud project

  • [In Progress] Torben: Try zhCN translation to see if it is published

### Agenda#

  1. Release updates

  2. Windows installer update

  3. Cloud Native GeoServer project donation

  4. Pom file formatting and xml file formatting

  5. Documentation Translation

  6. More QA rules incoming

### Actions#

# Release updates#

JTS upgrade made it in (thanks James)

Release is underway:

  • Done: Disabled jobs

  • Done: GeoTools

  • “Done”: GeoWebCache, sent issue to developer list

  • osgeo ldap went down making this step delayed

  • GeoServer is next

  • Start setting up the jobs again

Help needed / interesting activities:

  • Blog post has a lot to write up! Andrea to help on blog post ← that will be great!

  • A new template will be needed due to all the new modules graduating

  • Action: start a branch / pr to work on this

Rename master to main?

  • This is only proposed for GeoServer, and approved a while back?

  • This is probably a good idea for GeoTools, GeoWebCache

  • Send email to GeoTools and GeoWebCache about this…

  • GitHub re-targets existing open PRs to “main” automatically

# Windows installer update#

  • Waiting on above release

  • Sander will need access to Jenkins, will email PSC for this.

  • Goal is to have this for 2.19.0 (if we can)

# Cloud Native GeoServer project donation#

See https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-201

  • Any quick feedback?

Q: In camptocamp already has a CLA, do they need to fill in this form again?

A: Yes, please fill in section B listing “cloud native geoserver” as a donated thing

Q: what is next?

A: Email geoserver-devel with GSIP-201 for votes, there is a ten day window for feedback

Q: Github documentation site?

There is one already on https://camptocamp.github.io/geoserver-cloud/ does this get moved to https://geoserver.github.io/geoserver-cloud/ (yes because it is a a docs folder on the master



  • master → main branch

  • Name: “Cloud Native GeoServer” vs “GeoServer MicroServices”?

  • Discussion of “production” instance cited in PR, emphasis on high-availability

Future plans and experiments:

  • Trying out shared data directory, not the “stateless” goal but may be fun

  • Can consider a redis approach similar to stratus. Has a Redis Catalog Facade, with some deep performance enhancements to prefetch and cut down number of queries (per request caching facade)

  • Experimenting with moving event handling to the catalog, to make catalog more self contained and cut down on cross catalog concerns.

  • Also trying out catalog/config modifications based on “patches” rather than whole-object modifications

# Pom file formatting and xml file formatting#



  • JG: Was sad this did not make it in before RC.

  • AA: never mind, there is always a next release :smiley:

Q: This should be applied across branches right?

A: Yes this is the way

# Documentation Translation#


  • Looking at chinese translation that was merged

  • Some build changes (pom.xml and build deploy) need to be added

  • PR coming soon (maybe)

  • Build server will also need updating to trigger the new builds


  • Sphinx translation of docs are thing, and would let docs be translated from transifex

  • Would take 1/2 day to set this up, if there is anyone interested in doing translation


# More QA rules incoming#

  • PrintStackTrace (finally!)

  • Constant array creation