[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2022-01-18

Attending- Torben Barsballe

  • Jukka Rahkonnen

  • Andrea Aime

  • Jody Garnett

Actions from prior meetings:- Jody: 2022 Budget request [DONE]

Agenda1. CITE sprint April

  1. Upgrading java formatter, more formatters

  2. Old dependencies upgrades

  3. log4j update or replace for march timeframe

  4. website(s)

  5. PR chit chat

Actions- Andrea to follow up with spotless team to see how formatter handles switching between branches

  • Andrea: Setup a maintenance page about the h2 1.x → 2.x challenges

  • Jody: create log4j upgrade/replace news item inviting proposals and sponsors

  • Andrea: create sf ticket about mailing list archive [DONE]

CITE sprint April

Is april a good time?

Upgrading java formatter, more formatters

Andrea looks at upgrading a java formatter:

  • Use latest version of java 8 google java formatter: https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/3742

  • Also tried spotless plugin as a replacement, but it was slow, may improve with configuration: https://github.com/diffplug/spotless/issues/927

  • complicated by formatting twice; for formatters such as google that take multiple iterations

  • Experiment with recording what files were formatted in a hidden folder (make it hard to swap branches)

  • Spotless can handle reformatting xml, enforce headers, etc …

  • Andrea will follow up with spotless team

Old dependencies upgrades

Any outstanding PRs for this?

Really old:

  • log4j (see below)

  • hsqldb - version 1.x being used can we update to version 2.x

  • We keep a compressed version of the database

  • h2 database 1.x

  • hatbox - see jodygarnett/hatbox fork

  • We use it as an index often: in a netCDF, imagemosaic, diskquota, geofence, etc…

  • If we use h2 database version 2.x; but it is a different binary layout

  • no upgrade or conversion available

  • they made a terrible thing with classloaders that downloads version 1 from maven

  • We would need to make our own custom classloader to load h2 1.x (and hatbox box …)

  • Also consider: h2gis project LGPL v3.0, has a datastore

  • Qould they consider donating this to geotools (would have to change from LGPL v3.0 → v2.1)

  • related:https://groups.google.com/g/geodb/c/1DdPP5-OX10

  • Also consider: GeoFence (uses H2 and hibernate / hibernate spatial), GWC DiskQuota

  • action: aaime: this is complicated enough to need a maintenance page to setup a plan, reach out to other groups, and sponsors.

  • commons-dbcp:

  • v2 vs hikaricp,

  • dealing with transaction opening also with reads, but we don’t close it, and new connection pools don’t like that

  • geojson library mess

  • Discussion on the email list

  • trying to remove jsonsimple (used by gt-geojson, mbstyles)

  • PR switching to geojsonstore

  • Propose splitting gt-geojsonstore

  • Also xstream upgrade

  • This PR updates also to jettison 1.4.1

log4j update or replace for march timeframe

maintenance page: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Update-or-replace-Log4J-1-library

Two proposals on the board:

Things to look out for:

  • Handling of GWC commons logging (should be okay to delegate to whatever)

  • Handling of GeoTools wrapper (should have options for different clients)

  • Does the library have good support for cloud services (Azure, AWS, etc…)

  • Azure: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/java/sdk/logging-overview

  • Google Cloud: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/setup/java (Logback or java.util.logging)

  • aws: found some evidence of their SDK using commons-logging

  • Upgrading existing logging level (even just mapping filenames to appropriate new configuration should be fine). Most folks treat the options as an enumeration rather than filenames.

  • The GeoServer logging initialization and user interface will need an update

action: make news item request sponsorship and proposals for 2 weeks, and decide next meeting


See: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Move-docs-from-S3-to-OSGeo

  • GWC website, docs.geoserver.org documentation need to migrate

  • Kevin is not here, capacity or a volunteer or funding to make the change.

PR chit chat- geoserver-devel archive stops in november: https://sourceforge.net/p/geoserver/mailman/geoserver-devel/ ?

geopackage axis order chat

  • short term fix for low-level add feature api

  • chat later about jdbcdatastore changes

About “what happens when switching branches”, apparently spotless can leverage git to do the right thing:

Will have a look at setting up a spotless branch with up to date checks and toy a little with it, will ping back when it’s done
(don’t hold your breath, it’s a spare time thing).



GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!

Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions Group
phone: +39 0584 962313

fax: +39 0584 1660272

mob: +39 333 8128928



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Updated the home page to talk about space

  • feedback: can the donate button be bigger? Yes but we prefer to sponsor osgeo via github (no overhead).

  • https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Sponsor for details on how to sponsor OSGeo

  • Should we list sponsors? Add to the wiki by year, list 2022 sponsors on the homepage


  • Updated the home page with additional buttons (including a mailto link for osgeo I would like people to test)


  • listing 2022 sponsors
  • action: aaime: this is complicated enough to need a maintenance page to setup a plan, reach out to other groups, and sponsors.


  • andrea I started a draft page for you based on the meeting notes

Things to look out for:

  • Handling of GWC commons logging (should be okay to delegate to whatever)

  • Handling of GeoTools wrapper (should have options for different clients)

  • Does the library have good support for cloud services (Azure, AWS, etc…)

  • Azure: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/java/sdk/logging-overview

  • Google Cloud: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/setup/java (Logback or java.util.logging)

  • aws: found some evidence of their SDK using commons-logging

  • Upgrading existing logging level (even just mapping filenames to appropriate new configuration should be fine). Most folks treat the options as an enumeration rather than filenames.

  • The GeoServer logging initialization and user interface will need an update

action: make news item request sponsorship and proposals for 2 weeks, and decide next meeting


  • news item, actually published it yesterday but it did not show up
  • Apparently we cannot make news items for the future and expect them to show up, the website only builds once when we push up a change.