[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2022-06-07

Attending- Torben Barsballe

  • Jukka Rahkonen

  • Kevin Smith

  • Ian Turton

  • Michel Gabriel

Actions from prior meetings:- Andrea to contact cholmes about DNS Zone Records for GeoServer

  • [DONE] Jody to reach out to Tom Ingold about the same(who Juan remembers doing this last time)
    Tom: I think if you added a CNAME record for www and pointed to geoserver.org everything should work (provided you have a wildcard cert of the www domain too!)

Agenda1. New JTS Release

  1. New Build Server

  2. css fun

  3. importer fun

Actions- N/A

New JTS Release

New features:

  • TWKB Implementation

  • And more…

Would like to update GT/GS mid-cycle

Test out on master, request backport to active branch if it looks fine

New Build Server

Still in process, some delays

Have not yet tested migration / Purchased hardware

CSS Cleanup


Cleanup in progress

GeoServer’s styling is very haphazard, this has been an involved process

Adding Bootstrap for utilities (padding, margin, classes, etc.

Checkbox / Label consistency - running into some issues with ids.

May have a draft PR by Thursday


Look at the PR: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/5982

Fairly extensive changes, primarily fixing

Doc examples and javadocs have also been updated: https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOS-10553

Apparently updateFeatureType isn’t implemented in very many places; replaced with a delete and recreate.