[Geoserver-devel] GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2023-04-25

Attending- Torben Barsballe

  • Jody Garnett

  • Kevin Smith

  • Jukka Rahkonnen

Actions from prior meetings:- [DONE] jody: GSIP-218 has some support/feedback for mailing list discussion

Agenda1. GeoWebCache site: homepage, domain name, schemas

  1. Release scheduled

  2. PR Round-up

Actions- jody: to propose use of geowebcache.osgeo.org on the email list (until we get domain)

GeoWebCache site: homepage, domain name, schemas

Now has a homepage, with content, geowebcache.osgeo.org

  • and there was much rejoicing

  • some broken links

  • need to ask planet about domain name transfer to osgeo?

The schemas:

Issue tracker has a lot of doc issues; may need a bulk close.

todo: (done) jody: to propose use of geowebcache.osgeo.org on the email list (until we get domain).

todo: Kevin to delete/archive GeoWebCache.github.io, now that index.html has been moved to the main repo.

Release scheduled


Thanks Andrea for volunteering to make the April release.

PR Round-up

