[Geoserver-devel] [Geotools-gt2-users] "Transforming" WFS

Swan Jerry wrote:

Hi Justin,

give these docs a read and hit be back with any questions you might

Just two quick questions for now:

1. Is there any subclass of AbstractService I could be using that
offsers more of a WFS implementation?

If you are working on 1.5.x and before, there is a class called
WfsService. And many subclasses for each wfs operation, GetCapabilities,
GetFeature, etc...

I dont know what IDE you are using but it should have hte ability to
navigate the class hierarchy of AbstractService.

On the trunk branch ( 1.6 ), services work a little differently. For an
example have a look WebFeatureService class in the wfs module.

2. Given a FeatureCollection, is there a simple way of outputing it in
the expected response format for a "GetFeature" request or will I need
to create some custom output format?

If you want to use gml there are classes available for you to use. On
1.5.x look at GML2FeaureResponseDelegate, on trunk you can look at
GML2OutputFormat and GML3OutputFormat.

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project