[Geoserver-devel] Get an Image...


I am learnning about GeoServer, and I have a question:

When I execute de getMap service, I see an image on my browser, however, I can't customize the page. I want to get only an image on my server and only display it in my page. Can I do it???

Please help me, thanks in advance...

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You mean an image you can zoom in on and pan? You need a WMS client to
do that, GeoServer just does the server part. Mapbuilder is my current
favorite http://mapbuilder.sourceforge.net

There's one included in later versions of geoserver, sample at

You can customize it on your web page to your needs.


Quoting Fernando Avalos García <fernandroide@anonymised.com>:


I am learnning about GeoServer, and I have a question:

When I execute de getMap service, I see an image on my browser,
however, I
can't customize the page. I want to get only an image on my server
and only
display it in my page. Can I do it???

Please help me, thanks in advance...

T1msn Hotmail Plus. Más espacio, más funcional


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