[Geoserver-devel] GetFeatureInfo for raster

Hi list,

I had a needs to do a GetFeatureInfo request on raster, so I have implemented this function for the current wms, on the trunk version of geoserver.
Moreover, this needs was for multidimentionnal coverages, and it uses the TimeKvpParser class previously commited in order to manage the TIME parameter in a wms GetMap request.

I have done lots of tests for the GetFeatureInfo, with TIME and ELEVATION parameters (using our coverage reader) and I do get the expected results (the geophysics value for the pixel selected, at a precise time and elevation for our coverage).
The X and Y parameter of a getFeatureInfo request are respectively the row and the column of the selected pixel in the raster.

I have tested my code on a TIFF coverage, using the GeoTIFF coverage reader, and it seems to work too.
So I submit my code to the geoserver community, hoping that this functionnality will be added to the current GetFeatureInfo, that only do its job on Features at the current state.

Attached to this mail, please find two "svn diff" of my local version of geoserver, for the "main" and "wms" modules.

Cédric Briançon.


main_diff.txt (5.67 KB)
wms_diff.txt (24.4 KB)

Just a few precision, in the class org.vfny.geoserver.wms.requests.GetMapKvpReader, there is an import of org.geoserver.wms.kvp.DimRangeKvpParser.
It is a class I use for parsing this parameter in a GetMap request, but since it is not commited for the moment, this import has to be commented.
Moreover in the same class, it assumes that the class org.geoserver.ows.kvp.TimeKvpParser is in the ows module, not in the wms one, because I use it in the WCS module too.
It will be put in its right place at a next commit from Andrea.

Cédric B.

Thanks Cedric, I am looking forward to using your work.

Quick question--does your TIME parameter implementation have support
for a time period?


On 10/22/07, Cédric Briançon <cedric.briancon@...931...> wrote:

Just a few precision, in the class
org.vfny.geoserver.wms.requests.GetMapKvpReader, there is an import of
It is a class I use for parsing this parameter in a GetMap request, but
since it is not commited for the moment, this import has to be commented.
Moreover in the same class, it assumes that the class
org.geoserver.ows.kvp.TimeKvpParser is in the ows module, not in the wms
one, because I use it in the WCS module too.
It will be put in its right place at a next commit from Andrea.

Cédric B.

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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Alexander Petkov a écrit :

Thanks Cedric, I am looking forward to using your work.

Quick question--does your TIME parameter implementation have support
for a time period?


Hi Alex,
a time period handling is present when parsing the TIME parameter of a GetMap request. I have implemented a part of the 8601:2000 specification about period, but it is probably perfectable (mainly with the handling of a period of one month). For example, a period like <Starting_Date>/<End_Date>/P1W1D will give you in Java a List<Date>, for which each date is seperated by 8 days.

On 10/22/07, Cédric Briançon <cedric.briancon@anonymised.com> wrote:

Just a few precision, in the class
org.vfny.geoserver.wms.requests.GetMapKvpReader, there is an import of
It is a class I use for parsing this parameter in a GetMap request, but
since it is not commited for the moment, this import has to be commented.
Moreover in the same class, it assumes that the class
org.geoserver.ows.kvp.TimeKvpParser is in the ows module, not in the wms
one, because I use it in the WCS module too.
It will be put in its right place at a next commit from Andrea.

Cédric B.

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