Hi all,
I was looking at the GetPropertyValue and it seems to be implemented in such
a way to support complex features (although, not sure about the bit that is
eliminating any xpath filter from the value reference…).
Does anybody know if this is actually working or not?
(I know, I could try, but setting up app-schema takes time…)
It should, I changed GetPropertyValue to support complex features.
There is a test in app-schema-test.
On 27/11/13 19:18, Andrea Aime wrote:
Hi all,
I was looking at the GetPropertyValue and it seems to be implemented in such
a way to support complex features (although, not sure about the bit that is
eliminating any xpath filter from the value reference...).
Does anybody know if this is actually working or not?
(I know, I could try, but setting up app-schema takes time...)
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Hi all,
I was looking at the GetPropertyValue and it seems to be implemented in such
a way to support complex features (although, not sure about the bit that is
eliminating any xpath filter from the value reference…).
Does anybody know if this is actually working or not?
(I know, I could try, but setting up app-schema takes time…)