Hi Ville,
EPSG:3067 is easting-northing system so there is no need to flip the axis. Best place to check the axis order is EPSG-registry
See Coordinate axis from the end of the report.
EPSG:3035 in Northing-Easting.
-Jukka Rahkonen-
Ville Karppinen wrote:
My question is related to the issue https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-6651 which ended up to be a user error related to the bbox value. It seems that when version 1.3.0 bbox coordinates are swapped, only some of the images are shown properly. This seems to depend on the srs-value. For example in our services, &srs=EPSG:3035 shows images properly but when using &srs=EPSG:3067 images become totally white.
Do you think this may be also a user-error, or could there be a bug?
Below are some URLs to demo this issue by using different version numbers and srs-values with couple of different layers. These URLs are temporarily available for you.
Our services use GeoServer 2.5.2 Build Date 22-Jul-2014 09:05.
Layer: Radar:suomi_rr_eureffin
Request an image by using version 1.1.1:
Image is shown properly
Request an image by using version 1.3.0. Notice, version 1.3.0 requires that bbox uses y/x order instead of x/y that is used in version 1.1.1. Therefore, this URL has different version and also modified bbox in comparison to 1.1.1 URL above.
Only a totally white image is shown, even if same image as with version 1.1.1 is expected
Layer: Radar:opera_europe_dbz
Request an image by using version 1.1.1:
Image is shown properly
Request an image by using version 1.3.0 and bbox values swapped:
Image is shown properly
Best regards,
Ville Karppinen