[Geoserver-devel] helloapp problem

Hi all,

With the new platform module it is possible for someone to build their own "geoserverish" type app without dragging in all of the geoserver dependencies. Which is pretty cool!!

The problem is that you dont get the geoserver request response stuff with platform. It is still stuck in main. And taking it out into a seperate module isn't really that simple.

The hello example plugin uses the geoserver request-response stuff which means you cant really bundle it in a seperate (smaller) app which makes this page kind of useless:


Possible solution:

There is a community module called "http" which is the POJO service dispatch stuff based on http. It works and is relativley tested however it still needs a review and documentation. We could change the hello world example to use it. It would then be easy to bundle http, platform, and hello into an app.

The problem with this solution is that it will be a significant amount of work to port the normal geoserver request response stuff to it, nothing hard, mostly mechanical. Which means their will be two dispatch systems around which I am not crazy about.

Any toughts?

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project