Hello Rudi/Developers,
Thank you for your instructions. I had finally got a chance to try
this but its not working yet.
I manage to get a geoserver 2.1.1 source tagged
version running from with Eclipse/Jetty but which I click new data
store no ARCSDE
vector stores showed up.
Here were my environment and steps I followed:
Windows 7 64bit with jdk 1.6.0_23
Maven 2.2.1 and Eclipse Helios service release 2
This PC isn't connected to an Oracle-SDE-ARCSDE instance but that shouldn't
stop the arcSDE store from presenting itself in the browser.
1) Check out
svn co http://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/tags/2.1.1 geoserver
(got revison no. 16465)
2) Install the esri jars to the maven .m2/repository/com/esri/* and
make the poms
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.esri -DartifactId=jsde_sdk
-Dversion=9.3 -Dfile=jsde_sdk.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.esri -DartifactId=jpe_sdk
-Dversion=9.3 -Dfile=jpe_sdk.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
3) Was missing config-2.1.1.jar so installed into the maven repository
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.geoserver.maven
-DartifactId=config -Dversion=2.1.1 -Dpackaging=maven-plugin
4) Build Geoserver + ArcSDE plugin from command line with maven:
from geoserver/src I run:
*mvn clean install -DhaveSDEJars=true -Parcsde -Dsde.version=9.3
-Dmaven.test.skip=true > geoserver_build.log 2>&1
(Don't understand what the '-DhaveSDEjars' parameter does?, can't see
in any of the pom.xml files)
5) Build eclipse project files and add ArcSDE plugin project specify
the sde version
from geoserver/src I run:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Parcsde -Dsde.version=9.3 > eclipse_build.log 2>&1
6) Import modules into Eclipse (*Note except wcs1_1)
Right-click in the Package Explorer and click Import...
*Note: wcs1_1 - had several Java problems on import
There were several errors in
saying that
'ASTAxisId, ASTAxisSubset etc. etc. cannot be resolved to a type.
Geoserver wouldn't start properly with this module so I left it out of
the import in order
to get Geoserver running.
There were there still some error on importing and some projects did
not build properly but these project seem unrelated to core geoserver
app. See file attached eclipseConsoleErr.xls.
Above steps seemed to do the right thing arcsde wise, making arcsde-2.1.1.jar
and gt-arcsde-2.7.2.jar, gt-arcsde-common-2.7.2.jar
7) Finally copy esri jars from maven repository to
copy jpe_sdk-9.3.jar, jsde_sdk_9.3.jar /src/web/app/target/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
I then should have all the necessary jars to run the arcSDE extension.
8) Ran GeoServer from Eclipse
From package explorer select web-app/src/test/java/org.geoserver/Start.java
Right-click the Start.java and navigate to Run as-> Java Application
9) Check if ARCSDE store comes up
Geoserver started (with some errors but basics working)
Logged in as admin->Stores->Add a new Store and "arcSDE 9.2+ Vector Store"
not on list, sigh -
Am I missing something or something wrong with commands/typing?
Thanks and Regards,
PS: I do notice there is a sdeLibs profile in the arcsde module
pom.xml. That profile
depends on the 2 ersi .jars and a ${sde.version}. Are we supposed to
specify that
profile in the build or are we doing that already by specifying:
-DhaveSDEJars=true -Parcsde -Dsde.version=9.3
in the main geoserver or eclipse project builds?
On 9/22/11, Rudolf <rudolf.hochmeister@anonymised.com> wrote:
1)Register ESRI JAVA API Version 9.3 in maven repository:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.esri -DartifactId=jsde_sdk\
-Dversion=9.3 -Dfile=jsde_sdk.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.esri -DartifactId=jpe_sdk\
-Dversion=9.3 -Dfile=jpe_sdk.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
2)Prepare ArcSDE plugin for eclipse import:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Parcsde -Dsde.version=9.3
3)Build ArcSDE plugin from commandline with maven:
mvn clean install -DhaveSDEJars=true -Parcsde -Dsde.version=9.3
-Dmaven.test.skip=true -o
...this steps should also work for ESRI JAVA API 9.2 and 9.4
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eclipseConsoleErr.xls (14.5 KB)