There has been some brainstorming about how to get a fast access to DEM height values with GDAL without running a special GIS server http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.gdal.devel/36544
My conclusion was that the non-server solution will not be very effective and I continued to think how to get fast access with running a GIS server. DEM is a coverage and WCS is made for coverages but it is not planned for making queries by point. GetFeatureInfo is made for point queries and it is also quite fast in finding pixel values but the syntax of the request is pretty odd if someone wants to utilize it like a REST service. If DEM was a polygon layer then Geoserver WFS with CQL and Intersects filter could be usable for automated requests. Unfortunately the DEM of the USA consists of 61000 raster files in BIL format and converting all the data into for example PostGIS polygon table feels like a heavy job.
What would be your favorite way to do fast point queries from a big DEM?
-Jukka Rahkonen-