[Geoserver-devel] hsql vs perst

Hi Anselm:

I noticed your "wish" for geoserver - http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-284

That is embded:
- Perst - A Simple, Fast, Convenient Object Oriented Database <http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/perst.html&gt;

I was about to start an experiment in using hsql to much the same effect:
- http://hsqldb.sourceforge.net/

Perhaps you could tell these devel lists about any differences you see between the two?

Jody out.

I noticed that the SLD spec doesn't have a text mark specified as one of the
graphic symbols (like ExternalGraphic and Mark). I need something like this
for a map that we are drawing. Is this functionality embodied somewhere else
and I'm just missing it?

I did notice that the basis of TextMark code is in there. If this is
something useful I'd probably also volunteer to finish it.

Hi, (I *think* I am on this list)

perst versus hsql???

Perst is an embeddable object database that doesn't have strong query
support. Actually the author just added a query language, but prior to
that you could only do vanilla indexing (and then write java code to
operate on the results of those indexes).

(For example in sql you could say "give me all people whose names start
with george and who are age > 25" but in perst all you could do was say
"give me all people whose names start with george" and then write java
code to perform the subsequent age check on the results.)

I don't know the hsql db - I am guessing it is an embeddable relational
database in java with sql query support? If so there is a substantial
difference between it and perst... perst being an oodb just stores
objects and tends to always return entire objects from queries - whereas
sql tends to return exact fields queried for.

What makes perst appealing is that it has spatial indexing. The drawback
of perst is that it is hard to 'drop in' because it has no query language
(well it just got one but I don't know how standard or complete it is).

I was reading something re the work the postgis author is doing now -
can't remember the link - it was another embeddable db. Basically I'd
just like a fully standalone embeddable geoserver... thats the wish

- a

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Jody Garnett wrote:

Hi Anselm:

I noticed your "wish" for geoserver -

That is embded:
- http://www.garret.ru/~knizhnik/perst.html

I was about to start an experiment in using hsql to much the same effect:
- http://hsqldb.sourceforge.net/

Perhaps you could tell these devel lists about any differences you see
between the two?

Jody out.

Sorry for the late response, haven't been able to clear my inbox for

I _think_ what you're looking for is a Text Symbolizer - used for styling
label texts. I believe it allows you to specify a lot more than a graphic
- you can do fonts, displacements, anchor locations and the like.

If you have some time it could be nice for you to write up some of your
SLD learning in the introduction to SLD that I started:
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/SLD+Intro (it's a wiki, sign up for
an account and then you can edit the page) Even if it's nothing more than
attaching your sample SLD files, it could definitely help people in the
future - I'd eventually like to turn it into a resource for anyone getting
started with SLD, since there are no real good tutorials online.

best regards,


On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Paul Lamb wrote:

I noticed that the SLD spec doesn't have a text mark specified as one of the
graphic symbols (like ExternalGraphic and Mark). I need something like this
for a map that we are drawing. Is this functionality embodied somewhere else
and I'm just missing it?

I did notice that the basis of TextMark code is in there. If this is
something useful I'd probably also volunteer to finish it.

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