See <>
[...truncated 2741 lines...]
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4300_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.3
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4310_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.4
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4320_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.21
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_d60ffd225806d9c
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4332_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.22
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5610ffd225806eb0
[exec] Pausing for 120 seconds...
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4344_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.23
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_34ad40d225841990
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4357_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.24
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_336d40d2258245e1
[exec] Pausing for 120 seconds...
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4369_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.29
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4e8660d2258c5851
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4381_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_754660d2258c593e
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4393_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7fc660d2258c5995
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4405_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_38a660d2258c5a65
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4417_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.30
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3a6660d2258c5ac2
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4430_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7be660d2258c5b82
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4442_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_731660d2258c5c09
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4454_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4f9660d2258c5c96
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4466_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_68d660d2258c5d7b
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4478_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.49
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7c3660d2258c5dee
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4490_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Locks.50
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_62b660d2258c5e51
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4503_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
[exec] VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2c7660d2258c5ee9
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4515_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Failed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4523_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Failed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4531_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Failed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4539_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Failed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4547_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4556_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4564_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4572_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4580_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4590_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4600_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4611_1)...
[exec] Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4621_1)...
[exec] Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4631_1)...
[exec] Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4641_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Updates.1
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4651_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
[exec] VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
[exec] VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
[exec] Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4661_1)...
[exec] Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
[exec] VAR_featureId: Updates.4
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
[exec] Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
[exec] Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
[copy] Copying 1 file to <>
Total time: 9 minutes 34 seconds
+ ant wfs-1.0-log
+ grep Failed
[exec] Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e680_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e688_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e696_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e704_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e712_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e721_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e729_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e737_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e745_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e825_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getcapabilities-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e845_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getcapabilities-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e851_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getcapabilities-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e856_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getcapabilities-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e861_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1080_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1089_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1097_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1105_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-13 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1113_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-14 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1121_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-15 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1129_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-16 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1138_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-17 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1146_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-18 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1154_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1170_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-22 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1195_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-23 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1203_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-24 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1211_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-25 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1219_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1227_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1236_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1244_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1252_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1260_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1268_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-comparisonoperators-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e1276_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3743_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3751_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3759_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3767_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3775_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3784_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3792_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3800_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3808_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3816_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3906_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e3914_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4515_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4523_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4531_1) Failed
[exec] Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d41e4539_1) Failed
+ '[' 0 == 0 ']'
+ echo RETURN=1
+ popd
+ pushd geoserver/geoserver-2.3-SNAPSHOT/bin
<> <>
+ popd
+ (( i = 1 ))
+ (( i <= 100 ))
+ sleep 2
+ ./
+ echo 'Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver’
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver
+ curl -G http://localhost:11010/geoserver
curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
+ '[' 7 '!=' 0 ']'
+ break
+ '[' 0 == 1 ']'
+ echo 'GeoServer is offline'
GeoServer is offline
+ exit 1
This message is automatically generated by Hudson.
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