[Geoserver-devel] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: geoserver-2.2.x-deploy #179

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/geoserver-2.2.x-deploy/179/&gt;

Started by upstream project "geoserver-2.2.x" build number 225
[INFO] Using Maven 3 installation: maven-3.0.4
[INFO] Checking Maven 3 installation environment
[src] $ /opt/apache-maven-3.0.4/bin/mvn --help
[INFO] Checking Maven 3 installation version
[INFO] Detected Maven 3 installation version: 3.0.4
[src] $ /opt/apache-maven-3.0.4/bin/mvn -U -Djava.awt.headless=true -DskipTests -P allExtensions,proxy,printing,ftp,monitoring deploy -V -B -Dmaven.ext.class.path=/var/lib/hudson/maven/slavebundle/resources:/var/lib/hudson/maven/slavebundle/lib/maven3-eventspy-3.0.jar:/var/lib/jetty/webapps/hudson/WEB-INF/lib/hudson-remoting-2.2.0.jar -Dhudson.eventspy.port=48202 -f pom.xml
[DEBUG] Waiting for connection on port: 48202
[ERROR] Process did not initiate connection and is still alive; killing it
[ERROR] Failure: hudson.AbortException: Process failed to connect; exit code: 143
ERROR: Process failed to connect; exit code: 143

This message is automatically generated by Hudson.
For more information on Hudson, see: http://hudson-ci.org/

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/geoserver-2.2.x-deploy/180/&gt;

This message is automatically generated by Hudson.
For more information on Hudson, see: http://hudson-ci.org/