[Geoserver-devel] Hudson plugins?

So one of the things I learned about at JavaOne was that there's a lot of really cool plugins for Hudson, that will generate reports on trends and reveal information about the code.

Some of the more interesting ones were
* JUnit integration, so you could see the trends in unit testing over time.
* PMD and FindBugs, to help identify potential bugs earlier
* EMMA or Clover integration, to report unit test code coverage

I guess we do have the jira integration going, do we have the irc one set up?

And has anyone tried out EMMA? http://emma.sourceforge.net/ Nice because it's fully open source. Not sure if it's any good.


Chris Holmes ha scritto:

So one of the things I learned about at JavaOne was that there's a lot of really cool plugins for Hudson, that will generate reports on trends and reveal information about the code.

Some of the more interesting ones were
* JUnit integration, so you could see the trends in unit testing over time.


* PMD and FindBugs, to help identify potential bugs earlier


* EMMA or Clover integration, to report unit test code coverage

I guess we do have the jira integration going, do we have the irc one set up?

I believe the jira integration was going, but I haven't seen it in
action for a while. Has it been removed?

And has anyone tried out EMMA? http://emma.sourceforge.net/ Nice because it's fully open source. Not sure if it's any good.

I had a quick look at the EMMA reports and I'm not that impressed...
standard Cobertura ones do seem to be better to me (more clear, and
provide branch coverage information as well), thought I can't seem
to reach the Hudson wiki page talking about the Cobertura plugin:


Chris Holmes ha scritto:

So one of the things I learned about at JavaOne was that there's a lot of really cool plugins for Hudson, that will generate reports on trends and reveal information about the code.

Some of the more interesting ones were
* JUnit integration, so you could see the trends in unit testing over time.
* PMD and FindBugs, to help identify potential bugs earlier

Recently the Enerjy code quality assesment tools became free:

Probably worth looking at as well