[Geoserver-devel] Hudson unable to notify -devel list, GS 1.7.x and trunk broken


it looks like gridlock hit two bad NTP server and lives a bit in the future. I will be doing a bit of sysadmin work tonight that will reduce the chance of this happening again, but it appears that this was the final drop that made SourceForge's spamassassin block us (it doesn't like Hudson very much to begin with). Either way, I'll take care of this asap so that we get notified when the build fails.

GeoServer broke a little while ago on WFSV stuff. I have restarted Postgresql on Gridlock just in case, but that does not seem to fix the issue.

GeoTools was stuck on h2 db stuff for a while afaict (10 days closing jdbc connection). But looks like it is in good shape, and breezed through all tests after I killed the old build.
