[Geoserver-devel] Idea for conf/

dblasby@anonymised.com wrote:


confUserBasic -- the default configuration that ships with geoserver

confCiteWFSPostGIS -- this is the current (working) CITE WFS
configuration that uses postgis (the readme points to a nice wiki for
how to run the tests)

confCiteWMSShape -- this is the current (working) CITE WMS
configuration, based on shapefile

I was thinking about deleting the rest of them, but I'm not sure if
others are using them.

The demo directories are great, they contain better data then demo etc ... that is what we use for uDig demos of GeoServer.


Quoting Jody Garnett <jgarnett@anonymised.com>:

dblasby@anonymised.com wrote:

>confUserBasic -- the default configuration that ships with geoserver
>confCiteWFSPostGIS -- this is the current (working) CITE WFS
>configuration that uses postgis (the readme points to a nice wiki
>how to run the tests)
>confCiteWMSShape -- this is the current (working) CITE WMS
>configuration, based on shapefile
>I was thinking about deleting the rest of them, but I'm not sure if
>others are using them.
The demo directories are great, they contain better data then demo
... that is what we use for uDig demos of GeoServer.

Yeah, confDemo is great, it has a bunch of layers of the same area as
shapefiles. I believe confDemoPostGIS needs a nice sql script, right
now it just relies on users having to do shp2pgsql.



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