Hi all,
I have pushed further the investigation into the ImageMosaic plugin.
Here is a test case I have added to ImageMosaicReaderTest to reproduce the exception with the data sample provided in attachement.
public void testMosaic_sample() throws Exception {
URL dds = TestData.url(this, “mosaic/mosaic.shp”);
final AbstractGridFormat format = getFormat(dds);
final ImageMosaicReader reader = getReader(dds, format);
final ParameterValue gg = AbstractGridFormat.READ_GRIDGEOMETRY2D.createValue();
// BBOX corresponding to a tile in error => Zone with no data only
// 13.135375,41.470875,13.588,41.9235&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256
double x1 = 13.135375;
double y1 = 41.470875;
double x2 = 13.588;
double y2 = 41.9235;
final GeneralEnvelope cropEnvelope = new GeneralEnvelope(new double { x1, y1 }, new double { x2, y2 });
gg.setValue(new GridGeometry2D(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER, reader.getOriginalGridToWorld(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER), cropEnvelope, null));
final ParameterValue outTransp = ImageMosaicFormat.OUTPUT_TRANSPARENT_COLOR.createValue();
final GridCoverage2D read = reader.read(new GeneralParameterValue { gg, outTransp });
What I have found is that in my case, in this function of ImageWorker, the colorModel is a FloatDoubleColorModel and this case is not handled.
public final ImageWorker makeColorTransparent(final Color transparentColor)
throws IllegalStateException
if (transparentColor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
Errors.format(ErrorKeys.NULL_ARGUMENT_$1, “transparentColor”));
final ColorModel cm = image.getColorModel();
if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) {
return maskIndexColorModel(transparentColor);
} else if (cm instanceof ComponentColorModel) {
switch (image.getSampleModel().getDataType()) {
case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE: {
return maskComponentColorModelByte(transparentColor);
// Add other types here if we support them…
throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE));
So I’ve tested a quick and dirty fix in RasterLayerResponse and that solved my problem (but it’s dirty)
private RenderedImage postProcessRaster(RenderedImage image) {
// alpha on the final mosaic
if (finalTransparentColor != null) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
LOGGER.fine(“Support for alpha on final mosaic”);
final ColorModel cm = image.getColorModel();
if (cm instanceof FloatDoubleColorModel) {
return image;
return ImageUtilities.maskColor(finalTransparentColor, image);
Don’t hesitate if you need more informations,
De : Despres [mailto:damien.despres@anonymised.com]
Envoyé : lundi 20 février 2012 11:09
À : ‘Andrea Aime’
Cc : geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Geoserver-devel] ImageMosaic error when no Data in a tile
I’ve the same issue if i remove an image without any change in the shape ;-(
De : Despres [mailto:damien.despres@anonymised.com]
Envoyé : lundi 20 février 2012 10:58
À : ‘Andrea Aime’
Cc : geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Geoserver-devel] ImageMosaic error when no Data in a tile
I have first set the location field to « empty string » in the shapefile but i have also tried with removing the feature and the results are the same.
But you’re right I have not tried to remove images without any changes to the shapefiles. I will try this.
De : andrea.aime@anonymised.com [mailto:andrea.aime@anonymised.com] De la part de Andrea Aime
Envoyé : lundi 20 février 2012 10:44
À : Despres
Cc : Simone Giannecchini; geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Geoserver-devel] ImageMosaic error when no Data in a tile
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Despres <damien.despres@anonymised.com> wrote:
Hi Simone,
Thanks for your help, I’ve tried with latest 2.1.x nightly build :
· Build Information
- Version 2.1-SNAPSHOT
- Subversion Revision 16772
- Build Date 20-Feb-2012 05:02
- GeoTools Version 2.7-SNAPSHOT (rev 38575)
I think there might be some misunderstanding here, as far as I can see Damien has
removed records from the shapefile, not removed images from disk, right?
Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 962313
mob: +39 339 8844549
mosaic.zip (156 KB)