I’m trying to build GeoServer from scratch to try and get a better understanding of geoserver and the changes needed to make geoserver more usefull for us.
I’ve added a lot of libraries to get GeoServer to compile and have now bumped into an issue i cannot resolve :
states :
import wicket.spring.SpringWebApplication;
Wicket however has no such class. ( http://wicket.sourceforge.net/apidocs/index.html )
This is in the 1.5.x branch of GeoServer.
Can anyone offer any hints or tips ?
Cheers, Ivo
Ivo Noorhoff ha scritto:
I'm trying to build GeoServer from scratch to try and get a better understanding of geoserver and the changes needed to make geoserver more usefull for us.
I've added a lot of libraries to get GeoServer to compile and have now bumped into an issue i cannot resolve :
I highly suggest you use maven to build, doing without is a nightmare as
you may have seen (and eclipse to develop against it, or idea, or
any other ide that maven can generate the project files for).
Anyways, for starters you can simply ignore the stuff in community directory, these are plugins and modules that are not distributed
along with the standard geoserver. Finally, I do believe that
class is in the wicket-spring integration project, have a look
in that module pom.xml file to find out how it is named.
Hope this helps