so I've been playing a little more with the replacement preview
I suggested one week ago trying to improve it a little further
and to incorporate some of the feedback you provided.
The new version starts up mostly like the current preview,
but you can notice a new button on top of the navigation
bar (previewDefault.gif).
When you click it, the options toolbar appears providing
more or less the same options as the last week (previewToolbar.gif).
* the control labels are links that underline as you hover
on them, I was thinking of making them point to a wiki page
where the various options of the preview are explained.
This way we can provide more descriptions without the need to
add complex popups inside the preview itself (wich btw reached
500loc long)
* the width/height controls are been merged and have a single label
* a new filter control allows one to specify the filter parameters
in the three styles we support, the arrow button applies the filter,
the x button resets it
I tried to incorporate style control too, but I'm not sure how.
If the preview was made for a single layer I could sport a dropdown
with the chosen style + the ones configured as alternate styles
in the feature type/coverage config panels... but the preview
is an output format, so you can specify multiple styles.
With filters I'm good, the input field is exactly what you'd
specify for the filter paramers, so you're free to specify
multiple filters, but for the styles, hmmm... an empty input
field looks like a poor man solution... I could opt for two
combos, one chooses the layer, the other the style to be applied
to it, but that seems less than ideal too... so, ideas?
Besides that, I still have to work a little more on the javascript
side, but all in all, in quite pleased with the results.
So, everybody still happy to include this as the default preview
on trunk and, after the WMS bugs it made evident are fixed,
for 1.6.x as well?