Just a quick response.
This is how I do developement. Its the simpliest way and efficient.
0. Deploy a geoserver
use the "Debug from IDE" ANT task.
This will deploy a geoserver configuration (build.xml) and setup
jetty ready to run.
1. Doing Geotools work.
a) Make your geotools src changes.
b) maven jar:install (might want to turn off test cases so its fast)
c) copy the jar (now in your maven repository) to GEOS/lib and
(you'll have to rename it)
d) shutdown geoserver and re-start it - you'll be using the new
geotools jars in the previously deployed configuration
NOTE: the ANT "geotools" task will move *all* the required geotools
jars from your maven repository to GEOS/lib. You'll have to re-deploy
geoserver to get them moved into GEOS/server/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib.
2. Doing Geoserver (.java) work
a) make your Geoserver src changes
b) run the ANT geoserver.jar_move task
This will build geoserver.jar and move it into
c) shutdown geoserver and re-start it - you'll be using the new
geoserver jar in the previously deployed configuration
3. Doing Geoserver (.jsp etc..) work
a) make your changes
b) re-deploy geoserver (run ANT 'debug from ide' task) [this is the
'big' hammer]
This will kill your current geoserver configuration. You could write
another ANT task that would just copy the required files to the
deployed server.
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