[Geoserver-devel] IRC Logs August 15th

Posting the IRC logs to the email list, will review and respond in a moment.

[12:13] <brent_> ok, lets start with GISP 3
[12:13] <brent_> here is the link to it: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/GSIP+3+-+Issues+List+Module
[12:13] <sigq> Title: GSIP 3 - Issues List Module - GeoServer - Confluence (at docs.codehaus.org)
[12:13] <brent_> richard, corey?
[12:13] <chorner> hi
[12:14] <brent_> take it away, tell us about it
[12:14] <chorner> so, we're proposing an issues list module... it's a lot like what jesse implemented a few weeks ago
[12:14] <chorner> (the preference module)
[12:15] <jdeolive> did you read my comment?
[12:15] <chorner> it provides a client service so application like uDig can store information ("issues") in it
[12:15] <chorner> yes
[12:15] <jdeolive> any rebuttle?
[12:15] <rgould> i don't think it would work like that
[12:15] <chorner> each issue could potentially be associated with several features, or no features at all...
[12:16] <chorner> ... so an issue as feature makes my brain hurt
[12:16] <jdeolive> ha
[12:16] <jdeolive> fair enough
[12:16] <chorner> can anyone think of a way to make WFS-T work in that context?
[12:17] <jdeolive> well you can have features that dont have geometries
[12:17] <jdeolive> and then you could just have an attribute that is a list of fids
[12:17] <jdeolive> however i think you might complex-features to pull that off, groldan?
[12:18] <groldan> thinking...
[12:18] <brent_> is this issue list a protocol on its own that you guys will be making?
[12:18] <jdeolive> does that make sense chorner?
[12:18] <chorner> hmm
[12:19] <jdeolive> i beleive that is what the proposal specifies, we are discussing wether just using straight wfs is a better way to go
[12:19] <chorner> it makes sense, just not sure if it would be flexible enough
[12:19] <groldan> you could do that with complex-features indeed, I gues that'll be a list of feature references or some such
[12:19] <jdeolive> yeah, i am not sure you can pull that off with geoserver as it is today, not with out some hacking
[12:19] <chorner> btw, everyone meet Pablo Casado (benguela)
[12:19] <benguela> hi
[12:19] <jdeolive> HI pablo
[12:20] <brent_> hi
[12:20] <appetkov> Hello Pablo
[12:20] <rgould> he will be working on this with us (I think)
[12:20] <groldan> Hola Pablo
[12:20] <brent_> how will a client interact with this issue list?
[12:20] <brent_> like udig
[12:20] <jdeolive> i am guessing a custom http protocol, putIssue, getIssue, etc?
[12:20] <chorner> something like that
[12:20] <rgould> jdeolive, yes, we have yet tto define it
[12:21] <jdeolive> how will issues be stored on the server
[12:21] <chorner> hibernate --> db or flat file, i think
[12:21] <brent_> is it going to tie into validation (ie. will a validation error automatically create an 'issue')?
[12:22] <chorner> it could, but at the moment we're sticking to the client being responsible for populating the issues list
[12:22] <groldan> will the issues plugin catch up on other services (aka, wrap WFS), or other services would make use of it explicitly?
[12:23] <chorner> it would work independently
[12:23] <appetkov> so basically, people who have deployed geoserver can submit issues?
[12:24] <chorner> no, this is a service which clients can submit to, if a geoserver instance has this module installed
[12:24] <brent_> how do you want the 'issues' to be tied in with existing features and services (WMS, WFS)?
[12:25] <brent_> would you want to query the list and get a map back of the issues?
[12:25] <bnordgren> "issue" = nonspatial tabular data associated with features by reference?
[12:25] <chorner> it would reference existing features
[12:25] <chorner> bryce is correct
[12:26] <appetkov> oh OK
[12:26] <bnordgren> This is a model of a generic database.
[12:27] <bnordgren> One can currently define geospatial features which are related by association, correct?
[12:27] <chorner> that is an fm branch construct, isn't it?
[12:27] <jdeolive> in gml yes, in geoserver trunk no, on complex-features yes
[12:27] <jdeolive> this wont be on trunk until fm comes into geotools yes
[12:28] <jdeolive> so i think you are probably right in that you dont have the faccility to do this with straight gml and wfs
[12:28] * asantokhee has joined GeoServer
[12:28] <bnordgren> Ok, given that it's coming...how is an association with a nonspatial feature a special case?
[12:28] <asantokhee> hello, sorry for being late!
[12:28] <bnordgren> oops. Not coming?
[12:28] <jdeolive> so a custom service in my opinion is your best bet, however i would like a bit more about protocol and backend storage before i would vote in favor
[12:29] <appetkov> hello adit
[12:29] <chorner> fair enough
[12:29] <brent_> ok so this is basically just leveraging geoserver as an existing server to store 'issues' that don't have a direct relationshop to the features (indirect in the sense that the issue holds an ID of the feature, but is not bound by rules)
[12:29] <jdeolive> it doesn';t have to be much, not trying to get you to jump through hoops, but the GSIP is pretty vague as is
[12:30] <chorner> brent_: correct
[12:31] <jdeolive> on the other hand, this may not even be something that needs a GSIP
[12:31] <bnordgren> might I encourage whomever takes this up to allow the association to be between spatial features too?
[12:31] <jdeolive> i mean if you are not going to be using any WFS or GML stuff thats there, this will be stricly a plugin
[12:31] <jdeolive> i dont beleive a GSIP is necessary for plugins, if they are something is wrong with the process
[12:32] <chorner> :slight_smile:
[12:32] <brent_> yeh you guys can probably just implement this as a plugin and not worry about the GSIP process
[12:32] <appetkov> Cory do you mind giving a more concrete example of how uDig will be using it?
[12:33] <appetkov> more specific example I mean...
[12:33] <brent_> I can see this being very useful (and a tremendous amount of work) if the "issues" tie in live with the data and validation, with full problem description and resolution prcesses
[12:34] <chorner> hmm...
[12:34] <chorner> the current use in uDig is simply validation
[12:34] <bnordgren> I can see a lot of applications for this. Think of a sensor network (e.g. weather stations.)
[12:34] <bnordgren> The spatial feature contains their locations.
[12:34] <bnordgren> A separate table contains readings and an instrument number.
[12:35] <brent_> data-cleanup too
[12:35] <chorner> did that help at all?
[12:36] <bnordgren> Name it something other than issues and it helped. :slight_smile:
[12:36] <brent_> I have a better idea of it now
[12:36] <chorner> so: it is a useful idea, but we're not sure if we need to get this approved or not
[12:36] <jdeolive> so I think it is your call cory, you can either provide more about implementation details in your GSIP, or not go GSIP and just develop your plugin indepenendly
[12:37] <jdeolive> do others agree?
[12:37] <brent_> I would agree
[12:37] <chorner> we are hashing out the details this week... so we will expand nonetheless
[12:38] <chorner> ok... i think that's it then :slight_smile:
[12:38] <brent_> next agenda item?
[12:38] <brent_> 2) Multi-dim WCS
[12:38] <brent_> who is taking this one?
[12:38] <bnordgren> Adit: how's that prototype?
[12:38] <asantokhee> yeah its fine
[12:39] <appetkov> is it the one here?
[12:39] <asantokhee> im trying to deply it on a public server
[12:39] <asantokhee> for everyone to see
[12:39] <appetkov> http://lovejoy.nerc-essc.ac.uk:8080/Godiva2/
[12:39] <sigq> Title: GODIVA2 Data Access and Analysis demo page (at lovejoy.nerc-essc.ac.uk:8080)
[12:39] <asantokhee> no thats different
[12:39] <appetkov> not that one?
[12:39] <asantokhee> no
[12:39] <asantokhee> internally irt calls GADS though
[12:40] <bnordgren> Can we have the url when it's up (for wiki page?)
[12:40] <asantokhee> yeah sure
[12:40] <asantokhee> im actually getting few problems withe tomcat server
[12:41] <asantokhee> but it runs fine on my PC
[12:41] <asantokhee> hopefully this will b resolved by tomorrow
[12:41] <appetkov> sounds good
[12:41] <asantokhee> i had another query abt changing welcome page
[12:41] <bnordgren> How are you allowing time and elevation queries?
[12:42] <asantokhee> am following the example of thredds wcs
[12:42] <bnordgren> is that part of galeon?
[12:42] <asantokhee> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/wcs/galeon/testdata/striped.nc?request=DescribeCoverage&version=1.0.0&service=WCS&coverage=ta
[12:42] <asantokhee> yeah, i think so
[12:43] <asantokhee> although they r not strictly following wcs spec
[12:43] <asantokhee> if we look at this example
[12:43] <asantokhee> or a getcoverage request
[12:44] <asantokhee> ive got another query :~))
[12:44] <asantokhee> suppose i have a dataset which contains several variables: temperature, salinity etc
[12:45] <asantokhee> so if i follow present wcs spec there is no way of representing this dataset as a coverage
[12:45] <asantokhee> i will need to have a separate temperature coverage, 1 for salinity etc
[12:46] <appetkov> that's what my understanding is too... Bryce?
[12:46] <bnordgren> As to the current WCS spec, I don't know.
[12:47] <bnordgren> It can be a coverage, however.
[12:47] <bnordgren> (in terms of the conceptual model)
[12:47] <asantokhee> its fine but sometimes we need to get several variables in a single dataset
[12:47] <appetkov> (currently the way we have it too...)
[12:47] <bnordgren> Let me lookup "rangeSet" in WCS spec.
[12:47] <bnordgren> Certainly this is allowed in the new WMS
[12:48] <bnordgren> spec as <Dimensions> attached to layers.
[12:48] <bnordgren> We may need to graft this onto WCS.
[12:49] <bnordgren> I think using current WCS, RangeSet is your answer.
[12:50] <bnordgren> You can include multiple axisDescriptions for each
[12:50] <bnordgren> coverage.
[12:50] <bnordgren> (an axis is an indepentent variable besides space and time...)
[12:51] <bnordgren> (oops. you want a way to have a vector of dependent variables...)
[12:51] <bnordgren> (nevermind).
[12:52] <bnordgren> However, let me draw your attention to the fact that
[12:52] <asantokhee> then how do we make query to request a specific variable frm the coverage
[12:52] <bnordgren> if Salinity is a float and temperature is an int, you can't
[12:52] <bnordgren> store them in the same variable in a NetCDF file either. :slight_smile:
[12:53] <asantokhee> but most of our netcdf files contain multiple variables :~)
[12:54] <asantokhee> i think what i'll do is up,load a sample netcdf file that we use
[12:54] <bnordgren> That's ok. You don't need to map 1 file=one coverage.
[12:54] <brent_> (only 5 minutes left)
[12:54] <brent_> (we can continue after item #3)
[12:54] <asantokhee> ok
[12:54] <bnordgren> ok.
[12:54] <appetkov> ours too, that is why we are working towards nD coverage implementation
[12:55] <brent_> 3) WCS to trunk timeline
[12:55] <brent_> jdeolive wanted to know about this
[12:55] * simboss has joined GeoServer
[12:56] <appetkov> hi simone, just in time for 3) WCS to trunk timeline
[12:56] <simboss> sorry
[12:56] <simboss> guys
[12:56] <jdeolive> hi
[12:56] <appetkov> for me--the sooner the better :slight_smile:
[12:57] <jdeolive> so with 1.4.0 about to go out, i am hoping we can branch 1.4.x and start on 1.5.x, which means bringing wcs home
[12:57] <appetkov> excellent
[12:58] <jdeolive> from what i can tell there are no blockers, geoserver can move to geotools trunk no problem and allessio has dont most of the work porting to the new architecture
[12:58] <jdeolive> what are your thoughts simboss?
[12:58] <simboss> afat about moving geoserver to trunk
[12:59] <simboss> we already fixed a lot of issues
[12:59] <simboss> I still have some concerns with the WFS
[12:59] <simboss> but if we talk about just switching to geotools trunk
[12:59] <simboss> the best thing to do would probably be what follows
[12:59] <simboss> :
[13:00] <simboss> 1>align the raster branch with the latest changes on the geoserver trunk
simboss 2>start using raster branch as the new trunk
  simboss this way
  simboss we should reduce glitches to a minimum
  simboss with the new modular architecture
  simboss this would proabably be the best path
  simboss (imho of course)
  jdeolive i agree, just doing a switch like we did for 1.4.x to trunk is the easiest route
  jdeolive your branch has been much busier then trunk
  appetkov timeline estimate?
  jdeolive so I think its probably warranted
  simboss timeline...
  simboss we are working as hell this month
  simboss to get a new release out
  simboss we are targeting foss
  simboss that is end
  simboss sorry, 1st half of september
  jdeolive ok, and we need to get 1.4.0 out first
  simboss after that we could do the switch
  simboss alessio could do that in a couple of days
  jdeolive in the meantime, we should whip up a GSIP for this
  jdeolive so we can officially vote on it
  jdeolive question
  jdeolive have you guys run your branch against WCS cite tests?
  simboss nope
  simboss and we won't do that for the moment
  simboss the work in the last months has been focused mostly
  simboss on WMS
  simboss and speed
  jdeolive fair enough
  simboss after this release
  simboss the main effort will be
  simboss real nd WCS
  simboss and hopefully
  simboss time and elevation for wms
  appetkov real nD :slight_smile:
  simboss real== no tricks :slight_smile:
  jdeolive ok, well i would like to time this for after foss
  simboss me too !
  simboss :slight_smile:
  jdeolive i dont want to slip you guys up before your deadline
  simboss even because
  jdeolive but i am also weary of all the development that is going on in parallel
  simboss we have another important deadline
  simboss on 21st sept
  jdeolive so i might volunteer up my time to get this done after foss
  simboss this==?
  jdeolive your branch to trunk
  simboss as it happened for the raster branch on geotools
  simboss I can guarantte
  simboss guarantee
  simboss that in a couple of days
  simboss we coudl easily merge back to trunk
  simboss with not so many glitches
  simboss anyway
  simboss it is worth to spend sometime on your side to investigate
  simboss possible issues.
  jdeolive ok, i will
  jdeolive and I will probably do up a GSIP in the meantime
  jdeolive any objections to that?
  brent_ none here
  bnordgren none here
  brent_ ok I'm going to call the meeting to a close, feel free to continue discussing item #2
  brent_ thanks everyone for coming
  bnordgren adit: been looking stuff up.
  jdeolive thanks for running the meeting brent_
  bnordgren thx brent!
  simboss guys
  brent_ I will post the logs
  bnordgren I think this is a good rule of thumb:
  simboss could you tell me a bit about what you have already discussed on coverages?
  appetkov mainly issues adit is running into...
  bnordgren 1] If you want to select by something, put a dimension on it. (it's an independant variable)
  bnordgren 2] If yuou want more than one value with different units, forget it.
  appetkov as well as conceptual problems, like the one Bryce cited
  bnordgren :wink:
  bnordgren Section of OGC03-065-r3 says different units means different coverages.
  asantokhee i see
  simboss k
  simboss I have a couple of questions/concerns though
  bnordgren Is everyone more familiar with how to grab elevation/time/parameters out of a WMS layer?
  bnordgren shoot simone
  bnordgren shoot <comma> simone!
  simboss today I spent some time
  simboss comparing
  simboss WMS 1.3 and WCS 1.0
  simboss as well as reading
  simboss http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/Multidimensional+WCS
  sigq Title: Multidimensional WCS - GeoServer - Confluence (at docs.codehaus.org)
  appetkov good job sigq
  simboss (I really would like to know what this sigq is...)
  simboss and I have this question floating around
  <--| benguela has left GeoServer
  simboss aren't we making confusion between WMS and WCS
  simboss ?
  bnordgren my thot
  bnordgren was to investigate different means of investigating
  bnordgren (interrogating)
  bnordgren multidimensional data sets..
  bnordgren I just noticed that WMS 1.3.0 had an annex devoted to the topic.
  simboss I think your idea was great Bryce
  simboss because for sure
  simboss WMS is far more pragmatic and clear than WCS 1.0
  bnordgren We're going to have to figure how to make WCS play nice, though.
  bnordgren I haven't read WCS 1.0 too much.
  bnordgren is there much difference?
  simboss but from he document I cited above it seems that we aim to extend/improve/integrate WCS with something from WMS 1.3
  simboss I am afraid this approach could bring us some problems
  simboss because WMS is WMS and WCS is WCS :slight_smile:
  simboss My interpretation would be
  simboss let's look closely at both WCS and WMS
  simboss to understand the way they handle multdimensional data
  simboss which by the way similar
  simboss and then
  |<-- groldan has left freenode ("Leaving")
  simboss let's try to bend ISO 19123 a little bit
  simboss to adhere achieve the desired behaviours
  simboss but
  simboss afat
  simboss about services, interfaces and operations
  simboss both for WCS and WMS
  simboss we should just follow the standard
  simboss otherwise
  simboss we will end up creating a new one
  simboss if I had to change something
  simboss I would rather do that at the toolkit level
  simboss i.e. ISO 19123
  simboss I mean
  simboss GDAL docet
  simboss it does not implement any standard
  simboss but still
  simboss everybody uses it
  bnordgren i agree.
  simboss but afat about service
  simboss I would stick as much as possible
  simboss with the current standards
  simboss we could probably
  simboss propose some enhancement
  bnordgren I started looking at wms because I thought wcs didn't do multi dim.
  simboss this is true
  simboss they are pretty similar
  bnordgren now I start seeing how same they are.
  simboss the main different is
  bnordgren Nothing like chasing your tail. :slight_smile:
  simboss WMS==rendering
  simboss WCS==raw data
  simboss WCS is about managing real multidimensional gridded data
  simboss WMS is more about rendering heterogeneous sources of data
  simboss both from local data source
  simboss coverages or features
  simboss as well as from remote service
  simboss WFS and WMS
  simboss using styled layer descriptor files
  simboss WMS MUST be similar to WCS
  simboss because
  simboss in the end
  simboss you could use
  simboss a WMS to rendere data extracted from a WCS
  bnordgren main problem I see with WCS:
  simboss using the remote ows option provided byt the WMS styles
  bnordgren one CRS for 3D.
  bnordgren the WMS allows the vertical axis to have own CRS.
  simboss you are absolutely right
  bnordgren BBOX is 2D(horizontal) in WMS 3D (with unspecified z units) in WCS
  bnordgren other than that, axisDescription similar to <Dimension>
  bnordgren and one can request any parameter one declares.
  bnordgren in either case, one must match up degrees of freedom in output format
  bnordgren with the number of parameters which have ranges.
  bnordgren (e.g. can make mpeg with TIME range but not TIME and ELEVATION)
  bnordgren Actually, I think that ELEVATION (a special dimension for WMS)
  bnordgren can be handled with WMS 1.0 as a parameter. ??
  simboss one thing is not correct here
  simboss in WCs
  simboss WCS
  simboss z is not unspecified in units
  simboss or better
  simboss I think WMS is better because it separates vertical from horizontal CRS
  simboss while WCS
  simboss does not allow this
  simboss WCS crs
  simboss can be a compound crs
  simboss (see ISo 19111)
  simboss horizontal+vetical
  simboss as of EPSG:4327
  simboss hence the uom for the z in WCS bbox
  simboss can be inferred from the WCS
  simboss however
  simboss most services
  simboss do not implement 3d compound crs
  simboss (actually geotools does it, thx MArtin!)
  simboss therefore
  simboss with WCS
  simboss they do as follows:
  simboss 1>they specify a 2d CRS like EPSG:4326
  simboss 2>they live the z without uom
  simboss but this is not legal, strictly speaking
  simboss is common practice tackling an outstanding issue of WCS 1.0
  bnordgren main problem: CRS is not defined, it is referred to by identifier. :wink:
  simboss true
  bnordgren agreed on CRS issue.
  simboss and this is one of the problems I wanted to throw on the table
  simboss it is about time
  bnordgren I do not think it is illegal under WCS to specify a 2D CRS,
  simboss to implement a stub authority that is able to produce CRS
  bnordgren define a "special" parameter called elevation
  simboss as required by the new specs for WMS ans WCS
  bnordgren and just neglect the "z" in BBOX. :slight_smile:
  simboss I have seen services doing this
  asantokhee r we looking at something like this:
  bnordgren I think Martin generates "CRS" authority CRSes.
  asantokhee http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/wcs/galeon/testdata/striped.nc?request=DescribeCoverage&version=1.0.0&service=WCS&coverage=ta
  simboss exactly adit
  simboss I found this example too a couple of weeks ago
  appetkov sigq choked on this one...
  simboss if you check this coverage offering
  simboss you will see that it is not completely legal
  simboss at least
  simboss imho
  simboss the envelope is 3d
  bnordgren adit: yes, but add a refSys to your axisDescription, "somehow"
  simboss as well as the rectified grid
  simboss but then they uses the range to describe elevation
  simboss at the end
  bnordgren quite right, simone! gotta use 2D envelope and bbox
  simboss you have the same dimension describe both as part of the bbox as well as part of the range
  simboss that means more or less
  simboss that you are mixing domain and codomain
  simboss what do you think guys?
  bnordgren so...the axisDescription should include a refSys to a vertical CRS
  bnordgren and an interval
  bnordgren or maybe no interval since we have many singleValues...
  simboss here the main error imho is
  bnordgren also need a default value unless you require that all requests specify pressure
  simboss here
  asantokhee interesting, hw abt for multiple timesteps
  simboss <gml:Envelope srsName="WGS84(DD)">
  simboss the srsname
  simboss is uncorrect
  simboss because
  simboss both the envelope
  simboss and the rectified grid
  simboss are 3d
  simboss so we need a 3d crs
  simboss like epsg:4327
  simboss or something
  bnordgren I agree with your first tactic:
  bnordgren keep 2D CRS
  bnordgren eliminate third param from BBOX/Envelope
  bnordgren add vertical info to existing axisDimension.
  simboss correct
  simboss with this approach we could
  simboss describe
  simboss datacubes
  simboss with irregular zlevels
  asantokhee great!
  bnordgren as to time steps:
  simboss I was referring to this when I said I could come up with something more complex adit
  bnordgren I think these are covered by "temporalDomain" p. 22
  asantokhee exactly
  bnordgren WCS defines the same special parameter "TIME" as WMS.
  bnordgren for requests
  simboss time is retty similar
  asantokhee so in case time is also irregular we can use similar method as for elevation ??
  simboss for both wcs and wms
  simboss nope
  simboss we need to make a distinction for wcs
  simboss between the usage of get and post request
  simboss get is simpler
  simboss but far less powerful
  simboss afat about time
  simboss it does no allow directly
  simboss ops
  simboss hold on a sec
  bnordgren I think temporalDomain is brain dead.
  bnordgren must be regularly sampled.
  bnordgren maybe we shouldn't use it
  bnordgren use an axisDimension called time instead.
  bnordgren is that illegal?
  bnordgren that would take time out of the "domainSet" and put it
  simboss back again
  bnordgren in the "rangeSet". just like elevation.
  simboss TIME allows
  simboss to specify irregular instants
  simboss both for get requests as well as for post request
  simboss (talking about WCS)
  bnordgren does this apply to temporalDomain?
  simboss WCS?
  bnordgren WCS uses TemporalDomain in DomainSet of DescribeCoverage
  simboss yep
  simboss let me provide a link
  simboss to the right xml schema
  bnordgren it looks like temporalDomain has min/max, optional timeResolution...
  simboss http://schemas.stylusstudio.com/opengis/n9b25a865/element_temporalDomain.html
  sigq Title: OpenGIS element temporalDomain (at schemas.stylusstudio.com)
  bnordgren oh.... many "timePositions..."
  bnordgren let me go look now...
  simboss that's it
  simboss :slight_smile:
  simboss you can mix them
  simboss you can mix
  simboss single time positions
  simboss with continuos periods
  simboss with discrete periods
  simboss that is
  simboss you can pretty much do whatever you want
  simboss :slight_smile:
  bnordgren Ok, you win
  bnordgren let's use temporalDomain
  bnordgren :slight_smile:
  bnordgren So to recap:
  bnordgren 1] Use the right spec (WCS whenever possible)
  bnordgren 2] Adopt convention of using "elevation" axis with own CRS for 3D spatial data.
  bnordgren 3] Adopt convention of using 2D CRS, BBOX, ENVELOPE parameters.
  bnordgren 4] Define axis for anything you want to search for/select by/use as independant variable.
  bnordgren right?
  asantokhee 4th one
  bnordgren 5] Use temporalDomain for time extent.
  bnordgren go ahead...
  asantokhee a variable must depend on a grid. the grid will consist of different axes
  asantokhee so for each variable ,we"ll have different grids
  bnordgren ...meaning a different combination of axes is returned for different variable?
  asantokhee yeah it could be
  simboss 1not sure I understood sorry...
  bnordgren oh forgot:
  bnordgren 6] You can return multiple values for one point in domain only if they have same units.
  bnordgren e.g. f(x,y,z,t) = temp is legal.
  bnordgren f(x,y,z,t) = {temp1, temp2} is legal
  bnordgren f(x,y,z,t) = {temp, salinity} is illegal/error
  bnordgren use two coverages.
  simboss this is not completely correct bryce
  bnordgren I got it from WCS 1.0
  bnordgren Did I mis-read?
  simboss let me explain
  simboss In general
  simboss what really counts
  simboss is not the UoM
  simboss sorry
  simboss let me rephrase
  simboss (I am tired :slight_smile: )
  simboss in general
  simboss we might have a 5d coverage
  simboss the domain is lon,lat,elevation,time as an instance
  simboss and given a point in domain
  simboss you obtain a tensor (5th dimension)
  simboss of values
  simboss which ALL depend
  simboss on the 5th indipendent variable
  simboss wavelength as an instance
  simboss each single value of the tensor
  simboss could have in general a different uom
  simboss while still all of them depend on the same independent variable
  simboss that is
  simboss the wavelength
  simboss giving another example
  simboss let's look at a discrete coverage
  simboss that retrieve various values like income, expectation of lile, etc.. by income
  simboss the domain
  simboss can be x,y,zt
  simboss the independent variable can be the race
  simboss (attention no UoM)
  simboss and the tensor is made by a certain number of values
  simboss with no UoM
  simboss this is a single multidimensional covearage
  simboss ok, it is not really what we aim to manage
  bnordgren we may be getting off the beaten track here.
  simboss but it helps with understanding how to handle these things
  simboss sure
  simboss the second exmample
  bnordgren WCS doesn't manage anything but gridded coverages.
  simboss is really at the borders
  simboss (1.0 but 1.1 in on its way :slight_smile: )
  bnordgren In terms of the first example. I can grant that units may in general be different.
  bnordgren However, WCS explicitly forbids measures of different quantities to be returned from
  bnordgren same coverage.
  bnordgren (e.g. tensor of wavelengths, but all must be observations of radiance or
  bnordgren all must be observations of reflectance, can't mix.)
  bnordgren (p. 24.)
  simboss fair enough guys
  bnordgren in any case, different units would beg the question of
  bnordgren different data types
  bnordgren being returned as different bands of the same image/grid
  bnordgren YUCK!
  simboss :slight_smile:
  bnordgren one coverage, one quantity is a handy convention
  bnordgren to keep us out of trouble.
  bnordgren Can you live with one coverage per variable, adit?
  simboss I am fine with that
  simboss :slight_smile:
  asantokhee thats a bit difficult
  bnordgren remember: you don't need one FILE per variable!
  asantokhee ah ok
  bnordgren alternatively, can you suggest a
  asantokhee then its fine
  bnordgren way that multiple inhomogeneous values
  asantokhee i thought it would mean storing 1 variable in 1 file
  bnordgren be returned from a coverage
  bnordgren ok nevermind then! :slight_smile:
  bnordgren are you guys ever going to fill in your bits of the wiki? :slight_smile:
  bnordgren and adit, are you good with the suggestions we made for your CoverageOffering?
  simboss starting thursday, I am officially on vacation and I had to fight enough with gf to make it for this meeting :slight_smile:
  asantokhee yeah, its fine
  simboss how is it going adit?
  asantokhee i have managed to develop a prototype
  asantokhee for the demo
  simboss cool
  asantokhee which is working on my pc
  asantokhee am trying to install it on a public server
  asantokhee i will put the link on wiki
  asantokhee i had a few issues like modifying the welcome page
  asantokhee i tried recompiling but it didnt change
  asantokhee maybe thats a query for the mailing list :~)
  appetkov i can probably help you out--probably tomorrow though...
  asantokhee most welcome appetkov
  asantokhee so my demo is for thursday
  simboss tomorrow alessio can give a hand too
  simboss (today is vacation here in italy)
  appetkov excellent--bryce won't mind
  bnordgren yeah I like vacation
  asantokhee hopefully im hoping to have geoserver up and running tomorrow on the publi server
  appetkov sounds good
  asantokhee i can do simple requests for getting data
  asantokhee it extracts data from files and then sends a url for downloading the data
  asantokhee which shows integration of geoserver with gads
  asantokhee at a very simple level!
  appetkov sounds very cool
  bnordgren a very NASA-esque approach. :slight_smile:
  simboss well done man!
  simboss I have one simple questions guys which does relate directly to what we said so far
  bnordgren ok
  simboss it sounds scaring
  simboss but it is not
  bnordgren (ok under desk now!)
  simboss should we start thinking about implementing
  simboss a crs authorithy in geotools
  simboss to handle
  simboss crs
  simboss specified as URN
  simboss (remember bryce, the long term solution to the crs issue)
  simboss if we manage to involve martin
  bnordgren (can't see. under desk)
  simboss I am pretty sure it would not be THAT difficult
  bnordgren I vote that martin does it.
  bnordgren Mainly, I think we just need a URN parser...right?
  simboss well
  bnordgren URNs specify authority and id, just like now.
  simboss more or less
  simboss yeah
  bnordgren also has version, if I recall..
  simboss I just downloaded the docs
  simboss I am going to look over them during the week
  bnordgren I don't think you can describe a CRS from scratch tho...
  simboss first
  simboss "how to advertise dimensions"
  simboss :slight_smile:
  bnordgren yes, your vacation homework!
  bnordgren :slight_smile:
  bnordgren just kidding
  asantokhee ok have a nice vacation simone
  asantokhee see you all!
  appetkov thanks for stopping by simone
  simboss alex, I saw you had some problems with the raster branch
  appetkov all fixed for now, thanks :slight_smile:
  simboss did you commit the fix?
  bnordgren have a good vacation and don't work too hard.
  |<-- bnordgren has left freenode ("ircII EPIC5-0.0.5 -- Are we there yet?")
  appetkov well it was an issue with some relic files I had frmo my previous SVN checkout
  appetkov cleaning out the web subdir and doing svn update eliminated my problem
  simboss cool
  simboss anyway tomorrow alessio will be at work
  simboss He will check everything out
  appetkov will keep playing with it and will keep Alessio posted
  appetkov since you are going on vacation
  simboss my vacation
  simboss ends
  simboss tomorrow
  simboss (short vacation :slight_smile:
  simboss )
  appetkov excellent will keep bugging YOU then :slight_smile:
  appetkov just kidding
  simboss from thursday :slight_smile:
  simboss tomorroe alessio!
  simboss no really man
  simboss bug us as much as possible
  simboss we are close to the realease now
  appetkov I want to try the latest code changes
  simboss and we need people rasing issues
  appetkov it will benefit us to deploy it for production
  simboss you will love the mosaic
  simboss I just added support for embedded overviews
  appetkov yep, gotta get that into production
  simboss it is soooooooooo fast :slight_smile:
  simboss when it works :frowning:
  appetkov it feels fast, even now when I play with it
  simboss kidding :slight_smile:
  appetkov OK, I will keep you posted
  simboss k
  simboss by man
  appetkov see ya
  appetkov bye adit, will get in touch with you tomorrow

- GISP#3 - some confusion and some progress, and lots of hopes for FM and associations being tackled (they are not sorry)
- GSIP process may not be needed for community/modules since they are not part of the GeoServer application
- Multi D WCS goodness
- WCS to trunk:
   It appears that we are considering a bait and switch? Aka rename the wcs branch to trunk after doing a sync?
   GeoServer 1.4.0 needs to go out first (ie to a 1.4.x branch) leaving trunk open for this
   Need a GSIP do vote on this.

I have provided a few comments inline:

[12:15] <jdeolive> any rebuttle?
[12:15] <rgould> i don't think it would work like that
[12:15] <chorner> each issue could potentially be associated with several features, or no features at all...
[12:16] <chorner> ... so an issue as feature makes my brain hurt

Agreed, an Issue need to allow for both clients and services to externalize some of their own state associated with the issue. So a Feature ID may be stored in the issue properties (if that is how you want to play it). But this is not a join with real feature data otherwise available from the WFS.

[12:16] <chorner> can anyone think of a way to make WFS-T work in that context?

So we are not interested in using WFS-T here, much like to confusion with the preference model. This is not to say that you cannot out this data as a FeatureType, see the hibernate datastore work for an example of how this can be done smoothly (ie mapping from java beans to geotools datastore so geoserver can work as normal).

[12:17] <jdeolive> well you can have features that dont have geometries
[12:17] <jdeolive> and then you could just have an attribute that is a list of fids
[12:17] <jdeolive> however i think you might complex-features to pull that off, groldan?
[12:18] <groldan> thinking...

Aside: Although not needed/desired for Issues list I will answer the data modeling questions. The FeatureType can only be usefully described in the FM branch. You can represent the data in geotools right now however.

[12:18] <brent_> is this issue list a protocol on its own that you guys will be making?

Define protocol? We will define an API and we will use spring remoting as the protocol to allow client applications to talk to this module. Note the API is also useful in its own right for use by other modules.

[12:18] <jdeolive> does that make sense chorner?
[12:18] <chorner> hmm
[12:19] <jdeolive> i beleive that is what the proposal specifies, we are discussing wether just using straight wfs is a better way to go

So yeah no WFS, miss assumptions make feedback for the rest of the topic not helpful.

[12:24] <brent_> how do you want the 'issues' to be tied in with existing features and services (WMS, WFS)?
[12:25] <brent_> would you want to query the list and get a map back of the issues?

No integration Brent, we are making use of the 1.4.0 module system and that is about it.

[12:25] <chorner> it would reference existing features
[12:25] <chorner> bryce is correct

Feature should not appear in the issue model, this is a mistake arrived at by using validation for our first cut. Even in uDig this is a mistake, an issue could be for example a request to review a Map, or a request to print the map.

[12:26] <appetkov> oh OK
[12:26] <bnordgren> This is a model of a generic database.
[12:27] <bnordgren> One can currently define geospatial features which are related by association, correct?

(Oh sigh, sorry I was not there to help out. I will stop trying to provide feedback now)

[12:28] <bnordgren> Ok, given that it's coming...how is an association with a nonspatial feature a special case?

But bryce's questions are so fun .. Bryce you can have an association with anything with an ID, aka a Type with an ID - this is consistent with GML3.

[12:28] <jdeolive> so a custom service in my opinion is your best bet, however i would like a bit more about protocol and backend storage before i would vote in favor

True Justin, and yes that is the intent, the protocol is "spring remoting" (of which several options are available to client applications).

[12:29] <brent_> ok so this is basically just leveraging geoserver as an existing server to store 'issues' that don't have a direct relationshop to the features (indirect in the sense that the issue holds an ID of the feature, but is not bound by rules)
[12:29] <jdeolive> it doesn';t have to be much, not trying to get you to jump through hoops, but the GSIP is pretty vague as is
[12:30] <chorner> brent_: correct
[12:31] <jdeolive> on the other hand, this may not even be something that needs a GSIP

Good question we do not have any policy in place for community modules, since they do not effect the main geoserver application perhaps they do not need to go through a GSIP process?

[12:31] <bnordgren> might I encourage whomever takes this up to allow the association to be between spatial features too?

Lets get a FM roll out plan out of justin and then talk through this one :slight_smile:

[12:31] <jdeolive> i mean if you are not going to be using any WFS or GML stuff thats there, this will be stricly a plugin
[12:31] <jdeolive> i dont beleive a GSIP is necessary for plugins, if they are something is wrong with the process

It does beg the question of how one asks for a community module however.

[12:38] <brent_> 2) Multi-dim WCS

Ver ycool stuff.

12:54] <brent_> (we can continue after item #3)
[12:55] <brent_> 3) WCS to trunk timeline
[12:55] <brent_> jdeolive wanted to know about this

I think everyone does, I wish we had a wiki page tracking our planned road map. Jira used to do this for us, but has suffered from the FM branch collapse.

[12:56] <appetkov> hi simone, just in time for 3) WCS to trunk timeline
[12:57] <jdeolive> so with 1.4.0 about to go out, i am hoping we can branch 1.4.x and start on 1.5.x, which means bringing wcs home
[12:57] <appetkov> excellent


[12:59] <simboss> the best thing to do would probably be what follows
[12:59] <simboss> :
1>align the raster branch with the latest changes on the geoserver trunk
2>start using raster branch as the new trunk
  simboss this way
  simboss we should reduce glitches to a minimum
  simboss with the new modular architecture
  simboss this would proabably be the best path
  simboss (imho of course)

That sounds oKay will not make a perfect record for subversion but what the heck.

  jdeolive i agree, just doing a switch like we did for 1.4.x to trunk is the easiest route
  jdeolive your branch has been much busier then trunk
  jdeolive so I think its probably warranted
  appetkov timeline estimate?
  simboss timeline...
  simboss we are working as hell this month
  simboss to get a new release out
  simboss we are targeting foss
  simboss that is end
  simboss sorry, 1st half of september

Sounds fun :slight_smile:

  jdeolive ok, i will
  jdeolive and I will probably do up a GSIP in the meantime
  jdeolive any objections to that?
  brent_ none here
  bnordgren none here
  brent_ ok I'm going to call the meeting to a close, feel free to continue discussing item #2
  brent_ thanks everyone for coming
  bnordgren adit: been looking stuff up.
  jdeolive thanks for running the meeting brent_
  bnordgren thx brent!
  simboss guys

Thanks for posting them. My IRC client cut my history down to 200 lines and I mist the whole first half of the meeting.

Brent Owens
(The Open Planning Project)

Jody Garnett wrote:

Posting the IRC logs to the email list, will review and respond in a moment.

[12:13] <brent_> ok, lets start with GISP 3
[12:13] <brent_> here is the link to it: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/GSIP+3+-+Issues+List+Module
[12:13] <sigq> Title: GSIP 3 - Issues List Module - GeoServer - Confluence (at docs.codehaus.org)
[12:13] <brent_> richard, corey?
[12:13] <chorner> hi
[12:14] <brent_> take it away, tell us about it
[12:14] <chorner> so, we're proposing an issues list module... it's a lot like what jesse implemented a few weeks ago
[12:14] <chorner> (the preference module)
[12:15] <jdeolive> did you read my comment?
[12:15] <chorner> it provides a client service so application like uDig can store information ("issues") in it
[12:15] <chorner> yes
[12:15] <jdeolive> any rebuttle?
[12:15] <rgould> i don't think it would work like that
[12:15] <chorner> each issue could potentially be associated with several features, or no features at all...
[12:16] <chorner> ... so an issue as feature makes my brain hurt
[12:16] <jdeolive> ha
[12:16] <jdeolive> fair enough
[12:16] <chorner> can anyone think of a way to make WFS-T work in that context?
[12:17] <jdeolive> well you can have features that dont have geometries
[12:17] <jdeolive> and then you could just have an attribute that is a list of fids
[12:17] <jdeolive> however i think you might complex-features to pull that off, groldan?
[12:18] <groldan> thinking...
[12:18] <brent_> is this issue list a protocol on its own that you guys will be making?
[12:18] <jdeolive> does that make sense chorner?
[12:18] <chorner> hmm
[12:19] <jdeolive> i beleive that is what the proposal specifies, we are discussing wether just using straight wfs is a better way to go
[12:19] <chorner> it makes sense, just not sure if it would be flexible enough
[12:19] <groldan> you could do that with complex-features indeed, I gues that'll be a list of feature references or some such
[12:19] <jdeolive> yeah, i am not sure you can pull that off with geoserver as it is today, not with out some hacking
[12:19] <chorner> btw, everyone meet Pablo Casado (benguela)
[12:19] <benguela> hi
[12:19] <jdeolive> HI pablo
[12:20] <brent_> hi
[12:20] <appetkov> Hello Pablo
[12:20] <rgould> he will be working on this with us (I think)
[12:20] <groldan> Hola Pablo
[12:20] <brent_> how will a client interact with this issue list?
[12:20] <brent_> like udig
[12:20] <jdeolive> i am guessing a custom http protocol, putIssue, getIssue, etc?
[12:20] <chorner> something like that
[12:20] <rgould> jdeolive, yes, we have yet tto define it
[12:21] <jdeolive> how will issues be stored on the server
[12:21] <chorner> hibernate --> db or flat file, i think
[12:21] <brent_> is it going to tie into validation (ie. will a validation error automatically create an 'issue')?
[12:22] <chorner> it could, but at the moment we're sticking to the client being responsible for populating the issues list
[12:22] <groldan> will the issues plugin catch up on other services (aka, wrap WFS), or other services would make use of it explicitly?
[12:23] <chorner> it would work independently
[12:23] <appetkov> so basically, people who have deployed geoserver can submit issues?
[12:24] <chorner> no, this is a service which clients can submit to, if a geoserver instance has this module installed
[12:24] <brent_> how do you want the 'issues' to be tied in with existing features and services (WMS, WFS)?
[12:25] <brent_> would you want to query the list and get a map back of the issues?
[12:25] <bnordgren> "issue" = nonspatial tabular data associated with features by reference?
[12:25] <chorner> it would reference existing features
[12:25] <chorner> bryce is correct
[12:26] <appetkov> oh OK
[12:26] <bnordgren> This is a model of a generic database.
[12:27] <bnordgren> One can currently define geospatial features which are related by association, correct?
[12:27] <chorner> that is an fm branch construct, isn't it?
[12:27] <jdeolive> in gml yes, in geoserver trunk no, on complex-features yes
[12:27] <jdeolive> this wont be on trunk until fm comes into geotools yes
[12:28] <jdeolive> so i think you are probably right in that you dont have the faccility to do this with straight gml and wfs
[12:28] * asantokhee has joined GeoServer
[12:28] <bnordgren> Ok, given that it's coming...how is an association with a nonspatial feature a special case?
[12:28] <asantokhee> hello, sorry for being late!
[12:28] <bnordgren> oops. Not coming?
[12:28] <jdeolive> so a custom service in my opinion is your best bet, however i would like a bit more about protocol and backend storage before i would vote in favor
[12:29] <appetkov> hello adit
[12:29] <chorner> fair enough
[12:29] <brent_> ok so this is basically just leveraging geoserver as an existing server to store 'issues' that don't have a direct relationshop to the features (indirect in the sense that the issue holds an ID of the feature, but is not bound by rules)
[12:29] <jdeolive> it doesn';t have to be much, not trying to get you to jump through hoops, but the GSIP is pretty vague as is
[12:30] <chorner> brent_: correct
[12:31] <jdeolive> on the other hand, this may not even be something that needs a GSIP
[12:31] <bnordgren> might I encourage whomever takes this up to allow the association to be between spatial features too?
[12:31] <jdeolive> i mean if you are not going to be using any WFS or GML stuff thats there, this will be stricly a plugin
[12:31] <jdeolive> i dont beleive a GSIP is necessary for plugins, if they are something is wrong with the process
[12:32] <chorner> :slight_smile:
[12:32] <brent_> yeh you guys can probably just implement this as a plugin and not worry about the GSIP process
[12:32] <appetkov> Cory do you mind giving a more concrete example of how uDig will be using it?
[12:33] <appetkov> more specific example I mean...
[12:33] <brent_> I can see this being very useful (and a tremendous amount of work) if the "issues" tie in live with the data and validation, with full problem description and resolution prcesses
[12:34] <chorner> hmm...
[12:34] <chorner> the current use in uDig is simply validation
[12:34] <bnordgren> I can see a lot of applications for this. Think of a sensor network (e.g. weather stations.)
[12:34] <bnordgren> The spatial feature contains their locations.
[12:34] <bnordgren> A separate table contains readings and an instrument number.
[12:35] <brent_> data-cleanup too
[12:35] <chorner> did that help at all?
[12:36] <bnordgren> Name it something other than issues and it helped. :slight_smile:
[12:36] <brent_> I have a better idea of it now
[12:36] <chorner> so: it is a useful idea, but we're not sure if we need to get this approved or not
[12:36] <jdeolive> so I think it is your call cory, you can either provide more about implementation details in your GSIP, or not go GSIP and just develop your plugin indepenendly
[12:37] <jdeolive> do others agree?
[12:37] <brent_> I would agree
[12:37] <chorner> we are hashing out the details this week... so we will expand nonetheless
[12:38] <chorner> ok... i think that's it then :slight_smile:
[12:38] <brent_> next agenda item?
[12:38] <brent_> 2) Multi-dim WCS
[12:38] <brent_> who is taking this one?
[12:38] <bnordgren> Adit: how's that prototype?
[12:38] <asantokhee> yeah its fine
[12:39] <appetkov> is it the one here?
[12:39] <asantokhee> im trying to deply it on a public server
[12:39] <asantokhee> for everyone to see
[12:39] <appetkov> http://lovejoy.nerc-essc.ac.uk:8080/Godiva2/
[12:39] <sigq> Title: GODIVA2 Data Access and Analysis demo page (at lovejoy.nerc-essc.ac.uk:8080)
[12:39] <asantokhee> no thats different
[12:39] <appetkov> not that one?
[12:39] <asantokhee> no
[12:39] <asantokhee> internally irt calls GADS though
[12:40] <bnordgren> Can we have the url when it's up (for wiki page?)
[12:40] <asantokhee> yeah sure
[12:40] <asantokhee> im actually getting few problems withe tomcat server
[12:41] <asantokhee> but it runs fine on my PC
[12:41] <asantokhee> hopefully this will b resolved by tomorrow
[12:41] <appetkov> sounds good
[12:41] <asantokhee> i had another query abt changing welcome page
[12:41] <bnordgren> How are you allowing time and elevation queries?
[12:42] <asantokhee> am following the example of thredds wcs
[12:42] <bnordgren> is that part of galeon?
[12:42] <asantokhee> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/wcs/galeon/testdata/striped.nc?request=DescribeCoverage&version=1.0.0&service=WCS&coverage=ta
[12:42] <asantokhee> yeah, i think so
[12:43] <asantokhee> although they r not strictly following wcs spec
[12:43] <asantokhee> if we look at this example
[12:43] <asantokhee> or a getcoverage request
[12:44] <asantokhee> ive got another query :~))
[12:44] <asantokhee> suppose i have a dataset which contains several variables: temperature, salinity etc
[12:45] <asantokhee> so if i follow present wcs spec there is no way of representing this dataset as a coverage
[12:45] <asantokhee> i will need to have a separate temperature coverage, 1 for salinity etc
[12:46] <appetkov> that's what my understanding is too... Bryce?
[12:46] <bnordgren> As to the current WCS spec, I don't know.
[12:47] <bnordgren> It can be a coverage, however.
[12:47] <bnordgren> (in terms of the conceptual model)
[12:47] <asantokhee> its fine but sometimes we need to get several variables in a single dataset
[12:47] <appetkov> (currently the way we have it too...)
[12:47] <bnordgren> Let me lookup "rangeSet" in WCS spec.
[12:47] <bnordgren> Certainly this is allowed in the new WMS
[12:48] <bnordgren> spec as <Dimensions> attached to layers.
[12:48] <bnordgren> We may need to graft this onto WCS.
[12:49] <bnordgren> I think using current WCS, RangeSet is your answer.
[12:50] <bnordgren> You can include multiple axisDescriptions for each
[12:50] <bnordgren> coverage.
[12:50] <bnordgren> (an axis is an indepentent variable besides space and time...)
[12:51] <bnordgren> (oops. you want a way to have a vector of dependent variables...)
[12:51] <bnordgren> (nevermind).
[12:52] <bnordgren> However, let me draw your attention to the fact that
[12:52] <asantokhee> then how do we make query to request a specific variable frm the coverage
[12:52] <bnordgren> if Salinity is a float and temperature is an int, you can't
[12:52] <bnordgren> store them in the same variable in a NetCDF file either. :slight_smile:
[12:53] <asantokhee> but most of our netcdf files contain multiple variables :~)
[12:54] <asantokhee> i think what i'll do is up,load a sample netcdf file that we use
[12:54] <bnordgren> That's ok. You don't need to map 1 file=one coverage.
[12:54] <brent_> (only 5 minutes left)
[12:54] <brent_> (we can continue after item #3)
[12:54] <asantokhee> ok
[12:54] <bnordgren> ok.
[12:54] <appetkov> ours too, that is why we are working towards nD coverage implementation
[12:55] <brent_> 3) WCS to trunk timeline
[12:55] <brent_> jdeolive wanted to know about this
[12:55] * simboss has joined GeoServer
[12:56] <appetkov> hi simone, just in time for 3) WCS to trunk timeline
[12:56] <simboss> sorry
[12:56] <simboss> guys
[12:56] <jdeolive> hi
[12:56] <appetkov> for me--the sooner the better :slight_smile:
[12:57] <jdeolive> so with 1.4.0 about to go out, i am hoping we can branch 1.4.x and start on 1.5.x, which means bringing wcs home
[12:57] <appetkov> excellent
[12:58] <jdeolive> from what i can tell there are no blockers, geoserver can move to geotools trunk no problem and allessio has dont most of the work porting to the new architecture
[12:58] <jdeolive> what are your thoughts simboss?
[12:58] <simboss> afat about moving geoserver to trunk
[12:59] <simboss> we already fixed a lot of issues
[12:59] <simboss> I still have some concerns with the WFS
[12:59] <simboss> but if we talk about just switching to geotools trunk
[12:59] <simboss> the best thing to do would probably be what follows
[12:59] <simboss> :
[13:00] <simboss> 1>align the raster branch with the latest changes on the geoserver trunk
simboss 2>start using raster branch as the new trunk
  simboss this way
  simboss we should reduce glitches to a minimum
  simboss with the new modular architecture
  simboss this would proabably be the best path
  simboss (imho of course)
  jdeolive i agree, just doing a switch like we did for 1.4.x to trunk is the easiest route
  jdeolive your branch has been much busier then trunk
  appetkov timeline estimate?
  jdeolive so I think its probably warranted
  simboss timeline...
  simboss we are working as hell this month
  simboss to get a new release out
  simboss we are targeting foss
  simboss that is end
  simboss sorry, 1st half of september
  jdeolive ok, and we need to get 1.4.0 out first
  simboss after that we could do the switch
  simboss alessio could do that in a couple of days
  jdeolive in the meantime, we should whip up a GSIP for this
  jdeolive so we can officially vote on it
  jdeolive question
  jdeolive have you guys run your branch against WCS cite tests?
  simboss nope
  simboss and we won't do that for the moment
  simboss the work in the last months has been focused mostly
  simboss on WMS
  simboss and speed
  jdeolive fair enough
  simboss after this release
  simboss the main effort will be
  simboss real nd WCS
  simboss and hopefully
  simboss time and elevation for wms
  appetkov real nD :slight_smile:
  simboss real== no tricks :slight_smile:
  jdeolive ok, well i would like to time this for after foss
  simboss me too !
  simboss :slight_smile:
  jdeolive i dont want to slip you guys up before your deadline
  simboss even because
  jdeolive but i am also weary of all the development that is going on in parallel
  simboss we have another important deadline
  simboss on 21st sept
  jdeolive so i might volunteer up my time to get this done after foss
  simboss this==?
  jdeolive your branch to trunk
  simboss as it happened for the raster branch on geotools
  simboss I can guarantte
  simboss guarantee
  simboss that in a couple of days
  simboss we coudl easily merge back to trunk
  simboss with not so many glitches
  simboss anyway
  simboss it is worth to spend sometime on your side to investigate
  simboss possible issues.
  jdeolive ok, i will
  jdeolive and I will probably do up a GSIP in the meantime
  jdeolive any objections to that?
  brent_ none here
  bnordgren none here
  brent_ ok I'm going to call the meeting to a close, feel free to continue discussing item #2
  brent_ thanks everyone for coming
  bnordgren adit: been looking stuff up.
  jdeolive thanks for running the meeting brent_
  bnordgren thx brent!
  simboss guys
  brent_ I will post the logs
  bnordgren I think this is a good rule of thumb:
  simboss could you tell me a bit about what you have already discussed on coverages?
  appetkov mainly issues adit is running into...
  bnordgren 1] If you want to select by something, put a dimension on it. (it's an independant variable)
  bnordgren 2] If yuou want more than one value with different units, forget it.
  appetkov as well as conceptual problems, like the one Bryce cited
  bnordgren :wink:
  bnordgren Section of OGC03-065-r3 says different units means different coverages.
  asantokhee i see
  simboss k
  simboss I have a couple of questions/concerns though
  bnordgren Is everyone more familiar with how to grab elevation/time/parameters out of a WMS layer?
  bnordgren shoot simone
  bnordgren shoot <comma> simone!
  simboss today I spent some time
  simboss comparing
  simboss WMS 1.3 and WCS 1.0
  simboss as well as reading
  simboss http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/Multidimensional+WCS
  sigq Title: Multidimensional WCS - GeoServer - Confluence (at docs.codehaus.org)
  appetkov good job sigq
  simboss (I really would like to know what this sigq is...)
  simboss and I have this question floating around
  <--| benguela has left GeoServer
  simboss aren't we making confusion between WMS and WCS
  simboss ?
  bnordgren my thot
  bnordgren was to investigate different means of investigating
  bnordgren (interrogating)
  bnordgren multidimensional data sets..
  bnordgren I just noticed that WMS 1.3.0 had an annex devoted to the topic.
  simboss I think your idea was great Bryce
  simboss because for sure
  simboss WMS is far more pragmatic and clear than WCS 1.0
  bnordgren We're going to have to figure how to make WCS play nice, though.
  bnordgren I haven't read WCS 1.0 too much.
  bnordgren is there much difference?
  simboss but from he document I cited above it seems that we aim to extend/improve/integrate WCS with something from WMS 1.3
  simboss I am afraid this approach could bring us some problems
  simboss because WMS is WMS and WCS is WCS :slight_smile:
  simboss My interpretation would be
  simboss let's look closely at both WCS and WMS
  simboss to understand the way they handle multdimensional data
  simboss which by the way similar
  simboss and then
  |<-- groldan has left freenode ("Leaving")
  simboss let's try to bend ISO 19123 a little bit
  simboss to adhere achieve the desired behaviours
  simboss but
  simboss afat
  simboss about services, interfaces and operations
  simboss both for WCS and WMS
  simboss we should just follow the standard
  simboss otherwise
  simboss we will end up creating a new one
  simboss if I had to change something
  simboss I would rather do that at the toolkit level
  simboss i.e. ISO 19123
  simboss I mean
  simboss GDAL docet
  simboss it does not implement any standard
  simboss but still
  simboss everybody uses it
  bnordgren i agree.
  simboss but afat about service
  simboss I would stick as much as possible
  simboss with the current standards
  simboss we could probably
  simboss propose some enhancement
  bnordgren I started looking at wms because I thought wcs didn't do multi dim.
  simboss this is true
  simboss they are pretty similar
  bnordgren now I start seeing how same they are.
  simboss the main different is
  bnordgren Nothing like chasing your tail. :slight_smile:
  simboss WMS==rendering
  simboss WCS==raw data
  simboss WCS is about managing real multidimensional gridded data
  simboss WMS is more about rendering heterogeneous sources of data
  simboss both from local data source
  simboss coverages or features
  simboss as well as from remote service
  simboss WFS and WMS
  simboss using styled layer descriptor files
  simboss WMS MUST be similar to WCS
  simboss because
  simboss in the end
  simboss you could use
  simboss a WMS to rendere data extracted from a WCS
  bnordgren main problem I see with WCS:
  simboss using the remote ows option provided byt the WMS styles
  bnordgren one CRS for 3D.
  bnordgren the WMS allows the vertical axis to have own CRS.
  simboss you are absolutely right
  bnordgren BBOX is 2D(horizontal) in WMS 3D (with unspecified z units) in WCS
  bnordgren other than that, axisDescription similar to <Dimension>
  bnordgren and one can request any parameter one declares.
  bnordgren in either case, one must match up degrees of freedom in output format
  bnordgren with the number of parameters which have ranges.
  bnordgren (e.g. can make mpeg with TIME range but not TIME and ELEVATION)
  bnordgren Actually, I think that ELEVATION (a special dimension for WMS)
  bnordgren can be handled with WMS 1.0 as a parameter. ??
  simboss one thing is not correct here
  simboss in WCs
  simboss WCS
  simboss z is not unspecified in units
  simboss or better
  simboss I think WMS is better because it separates vertical from horizontal CRS
  simboss while WCS
  simboss does not allow this
  simboss WCS crs
  simboss can be a compound crs
  simboss (see ISo 19111)
  simboss horizontal+vetical
  simboss as of EPSG:4327
  simboss hence the uom for the z in WCS bbox
  simboss can be inferred from the WCS
  simboss however
  simboss most services
  simboss do not implement 3d compound crs
  simboss (actually geotools does it, thx MArtin!)
  simboss therefore
  simboss with WCS
  simboss they do as follows:
  simboss 1>they specify a 2d CRS like EPSG:4326
  simboss 2>they live the z without uom
  simboss but this is not legal, strictly speaking
  simboss is common practice tackling an outstanding issue of WCS 1.0
  bnordgren main problem: CRS is not defined, it is referred to by identifier. :wink:
  simboss true
  bnordgren agreed on CRS issue.
  simboss and this is one of the problems I wanted to throw on the table
  simboss it is about time
  bnordgren I do not think it is illegal under WCS to specify a 2D CRS,
  simboss to implement a stub authority that is able to produce CRS
  bnordgren define a "special" parameter called elevation
  simboss as required by the new specs for WMS ans WCS
  bnordgren and just neglect the "z" in BBOX. :slight_smile:
  simboss I have seen services doing this
  asantokhee r we looking at something like this:
  bnordgren I think Martin generates "CRS" authority CRSes.
  asantokhee http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/wcs/galeon/testdata/striped.nc?request=DescribeCoverage&version=1.0.0&service=WCS&coverage=ta
  simboss exactly adit
  simboss I found this example too a couple of weeks ago
  appetkov sigq choked on this one...
  simboss if you check this coverage offering
  simboss you will see that it is not completely legal
  simboss at least
  simboss imho
  simboss the envelope is 3d
  bnordgren adit: yes, but add a refSys to your axisDescription, "somehow"
  simboss as well as the rectified grid
  simboss but then they uses the range to describe elevation
  simboss at the end
  bnordgren quite right, simone! gotta use 2D envelope and bbox
  simboss you have the same dimension describe both as part of the bbox as well as part of the range
  simboss that means more or less
  simboss that you are mixing domain and codomain
  simboss what do you think guys?
  bnordgren so...the axisDescription should include a refSys to a vertical CRS
  bnordgren and an interval
  bnordgren or maybe no interval since we have many singleValues...
  simboss here the main error imho is
  bnordgren also need a default value unless you require that all requests specify pressure
  simboss here
  asantokhee interesting, hw abt for multiple timesteps
  simboss <gml:Envelope srsName="WGS84(DD)">
  simboss the srsname
  simboss is uncorrect
  simboss because
  simboss both the envelope
  simboss and the rectified grid
  simboss are 3d
  simboss so we need a 3d crs
  simboss like epsg:4327
  simboss or something
  bnordgren I agree with your first tactic:
  bnordgren keep 2D CRS
  bnordgren eliminate third param from BBOX/Envelope
  bnordgren add vertical info to existing axisDimension.
  simboss correct
  simboss with this approach we could
  simboss describe
  simboss datacubes
  simboss with irregular zlevels
  asantokhee great!
  bnordgren as to time steps:
  simboss I was referring to this when I said I could come up with something more complex adit
  bnordgren I think these are covered by "temporalDomain" p. 22
  asantokhee exactly
  bnordgren WCS defines the same special parameter "TIME" as WMS.
  bnordgren for requests
  simboss time is retty similar
  asantokhee so in case time is also irregular we can use similar method as for elevation ??
  simboss for both wcs and wms
  simboss nope
  simboss we need to make a distinction for wcs
  simboss between the usage of get and post request
  simboss get is simpler
  simboss but far less powerful
  simboss afat about time
  simboss it does no allow directly
  simboss ops
  simboss hold on a sec
  bnordgren I think temporalDomain is brain dead.
  bnordgren must be regularly sampled.
  bnordgren maybe we shouldn't use it
  bnordgren use an axisDimension called time instead.
  bnordgren is that illegal?
  bnordgren that would take time out of the "domainSet" and put it
  simboss back again
  bnordgren in the "rangeSet". just like elevation.
  simboss TIME allows
  simboss to specify irregular instants
  simboss both for get requests as well as for post request
  simboss (talking about WCS)
  bnordgren does this apply to temporalDomain?
  simboss WCS?
  bnordgren WCS uses TemporalDomain in DomainSet of DescribeCoverage
  simboss yep
  simboss let me provide a link
  simboss to the right xml schema
  bnordgren it looks like temporalDomain has min/max, optional timeResolution...
  simboss http://schemas.stylusstudio.com/opengis/n9b25a865/element_temporalDomain.html
  sigq Title: OpenGIS element temporalDomain (at schemas.stylusstudio.com)
  bnordgren oh.... many "timePositions..."
  bnordgren let me go look now...
  simboss that's it
  simboss :slight_smile:
  simboss you can mix them
  simboss you can mix
  simboss single time positions
  simboss with continuos periods
  simboss with discrete periods
  simboss that is
  simboss you can pretty much do whatever you want
  simboss :slight_smile:
  bnordgren Ok, you win
  bnordgren let's use temporalDomain
  bnordgren :slight_smile:
  bnordgren So to recap:
  bnordgren 1] Use the right spec (WCS whenever possible)
  bnordgren 2] Adopt convention of using "elevation" axis with own CRS for 3D spatial data.
  bnordgren 3] Adopt convention of using 2D CRS, BBOX, ENVELOPE parameters.
  bnordgren 4] Define axis for anything you want to search for/select by/use as independant variable.
  bnordgren right?
  asantokhee 4th one
  bnordgren 5] Use temporalDomain for time extent.
  bnordgren go ahead...
  asantokhee a variable must depend on a grid. the grid will consist of different axes
  asantokhee so for each variable ,we"ll have different grids
  bnordgren ...meaning a different combination of axes is returned for different variable?
  asantokhee yeah it could be
  simboss 1not sure I understood sorry...
  bnordgren oh forgot:
  bnordgren 6] You can return multiple values for one point in domain only if they have same units.
  bnordgren e.g. f(x,y,z,t) = temp is legal.
  bnordgren f(x,y,z,t) = {temp1, temp2} is legal
  bnordgren f(x,y,z,t) = {temp, salinity} is illegal/error
  bnordgren use two coverages.
  simboss this is not completely correct bryce
  bnordgren I got it from WCS 1.0
  bnordgren Did I mis-read?
  simboss let me explain
  simboss In general
  simboss what really counts
  simboss is not the UoM
  simboss sorry
  simboss let me rephrase
  simboss (I am tired :slight_smile: )
  simboss in general
  simboss we might have a 5d coverage
  simboss the domain is lon,lat,elevation,time as an instance
  simboss and given a point in domain
  simboss you obtain a tensor (5th dimension)
  simboss of values
  simboss which ALL depend
  simboss on the 5th indipendent variable
  simboss wavelength as an instance
  simboss each single value of the tensor
  simboss could have in general a different uom
  simboss while still all of them depend on the same independent variable
  simboss that is
  simboss the wavelength
  simboss giving another example
  simboss let's look at a discrete coverage
  simboss that retrieve various values like income, expectation of lile, etc.. by income
  simboss the domain
  simboss can be x,y,zt
  simboss the independent variable can be the race
  simboss (attention no UoM)
  simboss and the tensor is made by a certain number of values
  simboss with no UoM
  simboss this is a single multidimensional covearage
  simboss ok, it is not really what we aim to manage
  bnordgren we may be getting off the beaten track here.
  simboss but it helps with understanding how to handle these things
  simboss sure
  simboss the second exmample
  bnordgren WCS doesn't manage anything but gridded coverages.
  simboss is really at the borders
  simboss (1.0 but 1.1 in on its way :slight_smile: )
  bnordgren In terms of the first example. I can grant that units may in general be different.
  bnordgren However, WCS explicitly forbids measures of different quantities to be returned from
  bnordgren same coverage.
  bnordgren (e.g. tensor of wavelengths, but all must be observations of radiance or
  bnordgren all must be observations of reflectance, can't mix.)
  bnordgren (p. 24.)
  simboss fair enough guys
  bnordgren in any case, different units would beg the question of
  bnordgren different data types
  bnordgren being returned as different bands of the same image/grid
  bnordgren YUCK!
  simboss :slight_smile:
  bnordgren one coverage, one quantity is a handy convention
  bnordgren to keep us out of trouble.
  bnordgren Can you live with one coverage per variable, adit?
  simboss I am fine with that
  simboss :slight_smile:
  asantokhee thats a bit difficult
  bnordgren remember: you don't need one FILE per variable!
  asantokhee ah ok
  bnordgren alternatively, can you suggest a
  asantokhee then its fine
  bnordgren way that multiple inhomogeneous values
  asantokhee i thought it would mean storing 1 variable in 1 file
  bnordgren be returned from a coverage
  bnordgren ok nevermind then! :slight_smile:
  bnordgren are you guys ever going to fill in your bits of the wiki? :slight_smile:
  bnordgren and adit, are you good with the suggestions we made for your CoverageOffering?
  simboss starting thursday, I am officially on vacation and I had to fight enough with gf to make it for this meeting :slight_smile:
  asantokhee yeah, its fine
  simboss how is it going adit?
  asantokhee i have managed to develop a prototype
  asantokhee for the demo
  simboss cool
  asantokhee which is working on my pc
  asantokhee am trying to install it on a public server
  asantokhee i will put the link on wiki
  asantokhee i had a few issues like modifying the welcome page
  asantokhee i tried recompiling but it didnt change
  asantokhee maybe thats a query for the mailing list :~)
  appetkov i can probably help you out--probably tomorrow though...
  asantokhee most welcome appetkov
  asantokhee so my demo is for thursday
  simboss tomorrow alessio can give a hand too
  simboss (today is vacation here in italy)
  appetkov excellent--bryce won't mind
  bnordgren yeah I like vacation
  asantokhee hopefully im hoping to have geoserver up and running tomorrow on the publi server
  appetkov sounds good
  asantokhee i can do simple requests for getting data
  asantokhee it extracts data from files and then sends a url for downloading the data
  asantokhee which shows integration of geoserver with gads
  asantokhee at a very simple level!
  appetkov sounds very cool
  bnordgren a very NASA-esque approach. :slight_smile:
  simboss well done man!
  simboss I have one simple questions guys which does relate directly to what we said so far
  bnordgren ok
  simboss it sounds scaring
  simboss but it is not
  bnordgren (ok under desk now!)
  simboss should we start thinking about implementing
  simboss a crs authorithy in geotools
  simboss to handle
  simboss crs
  simboss specified as URN
  simboss (remember bryce, the long term solution to the crs issue)
  simboss if we manage to involve martin
  bnordgren (can't see. under desk)
  simboss I am pretty sure it would not be THAT difficult
  bnordgren I vote that martin does it.
  bnordgren Mainly, I think we just need a URN parser...right?
  simboss well
  bnordgren URNs specify authority and id, just like now.
  simboss more or less
  simboss yeah
  bnordgren also has version, if I recall..
  simboss I just downloaded the docs
  simboss I am going to look over them during the week
  bnordgren I don't think you can describe a CRS from scratch tho...
  simboss first
  simboss "how to advertise dimensions"
  simboss :slight_smile:
  bnordgren yes, your vacation homework!
  bnordgren :slight_smile:
  bnordgren just kidding
  asantokhee ok have a nice vacation simone
  asantokhee see you all!
  appetkov thanks for stopping by simone
  simboss alex, I saw you had some problems with the raster branch
  appetkov all fixed for now, thanks :slight_smile:
  simboss did you commit the fix?
  bnordgren have a good vacation and don't work too hard.
  |<-- bnordgren has left freenode ("ircII EPIC5-0.0.5 -- Are we there yet?")
  appetkov well it was an issue with some relic files I had frmo my previous SVN checkout
  appetkov cleaning out the web subdir and doing svn update eliminated my problem
  simboss cool
  simboss anyway tomorrow alessio will be at work
  simboss He will check everything out
  appetkov will keep playing with it and will keep Alessio posted
  appetkov since you are going on vacation
  simboss my vacation
  simboss ends
  simboss tomorrow
  simboss (short vacation :slight_smile:
  simboss )
  appetkov excellent will keep bugging YOU then :slight_smile:
  appetkov just kidding
  simboss from thursday :slight_smile:
  simboss tomorroe alessio!
  simboss no really man
  simboss bug us as much as possible
  simboss we are close to the realease now
  appetkov I want to try the latest code changes
  simboss and we need people rasing issues
  appetkov it will benefit us to deploy it for production
  simboss you will love the mosaic
  simboss I just added support for embedded overviews
  appetkov yep, gotta get that into production
  simboss it is soooooooooo fast :slight_smile:
  simboss when it works :frowning:
  appetkov it feels fast, even now when I play with it
  simboss kidding :slight_smile:
  appetkov OK, I will keep you posted
  simboss k
  simboss by man
  appetkov see ya
  appetkov bye adit, will get in touch with you tomorrow

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