[Geoserver-devel] JAI not available in GeoServer

Greetings, David,

Don't know whether it will be of any help, but in such situation I'd check
if the webapp container use correct version of JRE. I usually install
both of them - public and private. If JAI installed, for example, only
into private JRE, then all users of public one will not see it. To see
which version of JRE your Tomcat (service) uses you could examine
registry value
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\tomcat\Parameters\Java\Jvm
(that's for 5.5.x Tomcats, can't be sure about others).

  I had the same problem when my JAVA_HOME pointed to incorrect
location, which caused Tomcat to use public JRE (without JAI) instead
of JDK's private one.

  Can't say anything about Jetty or any other container you may use,
as my last year experience is limited to Tomcat.


Thursday, April 28, 2005, David Adler wrote:

I have two (supposedly) identical installations on two different Windows XP
systems. One works flawlessly, the other fails with the message that there
is no support for png.

On the GeoServer Administration panel on both it has "Version of JVM: Sun
Microsystems Inc. : 1.4.2_06
On the working system it has "JAI is available: true", on the other "false".

The Windows add/remove programs shows the same J2SDK and Java Advanced
Imaging 1.1.2 for JDK installed.

I even copied the entire \j2sdk1.4.2_06 directory from the good machine to
the failing machine. It looks like the right JAI dll and jar files are in
the right places.

How can I diagnose this?