[Geoserver-devel] JaiLegendGraphicProducer: anyone using it?

today I checked Alessio lockup test, and in fact he managed
to generate a sequence of requests that would completely
lock up WMS GetCapabilities (no further requests would be served).

I tracked this down to an issue in JaiLegendGraphicProducer,
and in particular in the JAISupport.getSupportedFormats method,
where a LiteRenderer2 was instantiated for some misterious
reasons (and that instantiation would lock up the threads,
don't ask me why).

All this seems a little nonsense to me. Do we really need
that output format for legend graphics, to start with?
Anyways, in the meantime I'm going to fix the issue by
removing the LiteRenderer2 instantiation, that does not
make much sense anyways...
