[Geoserver-devel] Jboss and Geoserver

The FAQ entires for Jboss seem to be a little out of date.

This is how to get it to work under linux

copy geoserver.war to the deploy directory eg server/default/deploy
Define the envronmental varible JAVA_OPTS to be

export JAVA_OPTS

then use run.sh to start up geoserver

If you do not define JAVA_OPTS any config changes will be deleted the next time you restart jboss or redploy geoserver.


Hi Dave,

Which FAQ entry are you referring to? I only see one about Logging in Jboss...

Aside, would you perhaps be interested in updating the FAQ directly on the wiki?

Dave Potts wrote:

The FAQ entires for Jboss seem to be a little out of date.

This is how to get it to work under linux

copy geoserver.war to the deploy directory eg server/default/deploy
Define the envronmental varible JAVA_OPTS to be

export JAVA_OPTS

then use run.sh to start up geoserver

If you do not define JAVA_OPTS any config changes will be deleted the next time you restart jboss or redploy geoserver.



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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project