[Geoserver-devel] JDK11 Sprint: EOD Monday status


  • GeoTools now passes tests everywhere
  • Various misc updates, see spreadsheet
  • Found more GWC and GeoServer test failures, see spreadsheet

Awaiting review:

Separate from but related to this change, GeoWebCache also references several ImageIO classes when configuring ImageEncoderImpl and ImageDecoderImpl in geowebcache-wmsservice-context.xml - Given that these are string arguments, we don’t have to change them, but I wonder if switching to some solution utilizing ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType instead of a direct class lookup might be better?

In Progress:

  • [smithkm] GeoWebCache: Spring 5 update, was blocked by Log4J issues (see above).
  • [vickdw] GeoServer: Spring 5 update - Spring Security updates currently in progress, API has changes rather substantially since 4.x.

Help would be appreciated. Current status is here, if anyone is able to take a look, and perhaps suggest improvements: https://github.com/vickdw/geoserver/tree/spring-5.1

There is also some useful background information about the spring security changes:

  • [dtucker] GeoServer: gs-platform/gs-web-core usage of RenderingEngine in progress.
  • [jnh5y] Currently populating Stage 3 of the spreadsheets with package splits.