[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10005) Restore makes a merge of the current in-memory catalog with the restored one when BK_PURGE_RESOURCES flag is in use

Fernando Miño created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10005

Restore makes a merge of the current in-memory catalog with the restored one when BK_PURGE_RESOURCES flag is in use

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

2.17.5, 2.18.2


Fernando Miño


Backup and Restore


01/Apr/21 2:34 PM




Fernando Miño

Restore makes a merge of the current in-memory catalog with the restored one when BK_PURGE_RESOURCES the flag is in use.

When the zip file is restored the total amount of layers and workspace doesn’t match the ones in the backup, seems like GeoServer clean all the workspace folder but in the end the artifacts in memory from the current catalog are also merged.

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