[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10032) Group Layer in Catalag Mode Hide not in capabilities when unauthenticated

Stefan Overkamp created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10032

Group Layer in Catalag Mode Hide not in capabilities when unauthenticated

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

2.18.0, 2.19-RC




catalog_mode_challenge_no_authentication.png, catalog_mode_hide_no_authentication.png


22/Apr/21 12:34 PM




Stefan Overkamp

I have a strange behaviour with group layers and catalog mode:

I have a group layer containing 3 group layers.
see: catalog_mode_challenge_no_authentication.png

The layers are readable without authentication.
The Group Layers are configured with mode “Named Tree”.

All works fine, when in Catalog Mode Challenge
(german label: Ablehnend). In QGIS or the capabilities I see the group layers
with the groups and their layers.

If I change to Catalog Mode Hide (german: Versteckt) the contained group layers
aren’t resolved (shown in capabilities), see catalog_mode_hide_no_authentication.png

If I supply an authentication (e.g. auth config in QGIS), the contained group layers
are resolved like Catalog Mode Anforderungs.Challenge !

I think this is not an expected implementation.
I would like to have Catalog Mode Hide and allow usage of Group Layers without authentification.

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