[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10044) WMS requests for a layergroup including a cql_filter are not cachable

Mauro Bartolomeoli created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10044

WMS requests for a layergroup including a cql_filter are not cachable

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Mauro Bartolomeoli




29/Apr/21 6:00 PM




Mauro Bartolomeoli

Layer groups are expanded to lists of simple layers, styles and filters in GetMapKvpRequestReader, so that at the lower level rendering only deals with simple layers.

During this expansion if a filter is configured for a layergroup, this is applied to all the layers of the group.

Unfortunately, there is a bug when this filter is configured via cql_filter instead of filter that impacts GWC capability to cache the layergroup if a parameter filter for FILTER has been configured.

This happens because:

  • cql_filter is expanded and stored as filter in the request
  • the single cql_filter param is not removed / cleaned up
  • we finally have, in the rendered request, 1 cql_filter and N cloned filter configured
  • GWC has a check to disable caching when both cql_filter and filter are present and they are not equal

TADAH! Caching is always disabled in our scenario.

We suggest to change GetMapKvpRequestReader to store the expanded filter (coming from a cql_filter parameter) both in filter and cql_filter, so that GWC is happy to cache.

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