[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10071) GeoFence H2 configuration lost on abnormal server shutdown

Gabriel Roldan created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10071

GeoFence H2 configuration lost on abnormal server shutdown

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:





20/May/21 10:03 PM




Gabriel Roldan

The currently used version of H2 database (1.1.119) does not survive abnormal server shutdowns (e.g. kill process)

There have been other issues with it, like database corruption.

Despite not being the recommended set up, the default should at least provide more consistency.

In the past, using a newer H2 version (e.g. 1.4.199) solved the problem, as the database file format has been upgraded and is more robust.

The problem is, IIRC, it is incompatible with 1.1.x existing databases, and a migration tool needs to be applied manually.

There’s also a hint in the logs at startup that suggest an upgrade:

20 May 16:52:11 INFO [geoserver.geofence] - GeoFence configuration: instance name is default-gs
20 May 16:52:12 WARN [ejb.Ejb3Configuration] - hibernate.connection.autocommit = false break the EJB3 specification
20 May 16:52:12 WARN [dialect.H2Dialect] - The 1.1.119 version of H2 implements temporary table creation such that it commits current transaction; multi-table, bulk hql/jpaql will not work properly
20 May 16:52:12 WARN [dialect.H2Dialect] - The 1.1.119 version of H2 implements temporary table creation such that it commits current transaction; multi-table, bulk hql/jpaql will not work properly

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