[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10119) Features templating add managed support and allow simplified templates structure

Marco Volpini created an issue

GeoServer / ImprovementGEOS-10119

Features templating add managed support and allow simplified templates structure

Issue Type:



Marco Volpini


17/Jun/21 4:03 PM




Marco Volpini

The TemplateBuilder tree operates over a single feature in the features stream. Other part of the output eg
<wfs:FeatureCollection> for gml or “features”: are written automously by the features-templating module,
but still the user needs to provide those pieces in the template file.
The improvements aims to allow a simplification of the template allowing to define the feature wise parts and still preserving the original syntax.
Finally as a part of the managed output the module should be able to detect when ogcapi is requesting a single feature and return a single feature output (for geo+json and ld+json cases).

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